Testseek.com have collected 76 expert reviews of the Cooler Master HAF XM RC-922XM-KKN1 and the average rating is 87%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Cooler Master HAF XM RC-922XM-KKN1.
May 2012
76 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
0 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
Bottom Mount PSU
Tool Free Design
Two 200mm and One 140mm Fan included
Front USB 3.0 and USB 2.0 Port
Two Front XDocks
PSU Cable Shield
Easy Side Handle
Liquid Hose / Cable Routing Holes
Extra Expansion Slot
Radiator Space On Top
Top Tray
Excellent Cable Management
Supports Up To 463mm GPU Size (Without HDD Cage)
196mm CPU Heatsink Clearance
Tons Of Cooling Possibilities
Looks good
Compatible with 3
Reasonably priced
Nearly toolless
Excellent construction quality
The external bay covers are meshed and have air filters
Air filter for the front
And power supply fans
Supports three 200 mm fans (comes with two)
Supports eight 3.5” hard drives or nine 2.5” devices
Lots of cooling (2x 200mm fans
1x 140mm fan)
Latch type side panel
Lots of room inside
Tool-less systems that actually work well
Room for 9 2.5-inch hard drives and 8 3.5-inch hard drives
Plenty of drive bays
Plenty of large fans to keep the air moving
Low noise output
Despite all those fans
XDock hotswap drive days
Designed to make a neat installation a snap
Fairly priced for a case of this caliber
Tons of room inside the case
XDock hot swappable slots x 2
9 total HDD/SSD drive slots
Toolless design
90° rotated latched side panel
Cable management made easy
PSU cable cover
Fan and Radiator options galore
Case has great air flow
2 x 200mm fan
Solid construction
Dual hot-swap bays
2.5" SSD slot on side of motherboard tray
Two 200 mm fans included
PSU cover to hide cable mess
LED on/off switch
Plenty of space for cables on the sides
Little space to keep your valuables on top
Radiators sh
Will fit all your water cooling needs
Up to EATX Motherboards in a MidTower
Great Cable Management
Tons of space
Two HotSwappable Drive Bays
Extremely Quiet Fans
Latching Release on Main Side Panel
High quality
Ease of access
Great airflow
Extra PCI slot
X-Dock hot swap bays
PSU wire cover
Excellent wire management options
Liquid cooling capable
The editors didn't like
XDock Requires Separate SATA Cables
Editors choice
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200mm fans might be hard to buy if the original ones break
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Top CPU power cable routing hole is partially blocked
Dust filters on the intake fans would be nice
Please drop by the Bigbruin.com Forum and feel free to post any comments or questions
Only one 90° rotated latched side panel
Seems to have a softer look to it aesthetically
Not a fan of mesh side panels
Big difference in pricing (USD and Euro). Pricey in Euro
Abstract: 국내에도 잘 알려진 쿨러마스터(www.coolermaster.co.kr)는 올해 울트라 타워라는 기존 코스모스시리즈에 새로운 모델 코스모스2(www.piscomu.com/PC/33870)를 출시했습니다. 그리고, 또한 올해 열어진 각 박람회에서도 기존 모델시리즈 라인업에 새로운 모델들을 공개했었는데, 최근 그 중 또하나의 새로운 추가 모델이 출시되었습니다. 바로, 미들타워인 HAF 시리즈의 새모델 “HAF XM”이 되겠습니다. 그럼, 쿨링성이 강한 HA...
쿨러마스터 댓글 이벤트!!! Cooler Master HAF XM 해당 제품에 관한 의견을 댓글로 자유롭게 남겨주시면선정된 1분에게 테스트시 사용한 Cooler Master HAF XM 을 보내 드립니다.댓글 이벤트 기간 : 2012. 6. 21(금) ~ 2012. 6. 27(수)까지2012 . 6. 28 (목)이후 착불 발송 예정. 시크화니님에게 보내드리도록 하겠습니다. 이 게시물을......
Fan pendingin yang lengkap di dalam paket penjualannya HAFXM, Fitur XDocking yang mempermudah sharing file dengan menggunakan harddisk internal, Harga yang lebih murah 500 ribu rupiah (kisaran) dengan kualitas bahan sama beserta fitur yang hampir sama len
Sidepanel kiri casing ini tidak dapat dipasangkan FAN Pendingin tambahan, Tidak ada firewire dan eSata pada bagian frontpanel casing HAFXM
Casing CoolerMaster HAF-XM ini memang merupakan casing versi seri bawah dari coolermaster HAF-X, tetapi mampu memberikan performa yang setara dengan Casing CoolerMaster HAF-X sendiri dengan tanpa adanya dukungan terhadap penggunaan motherboard berukuran X...