Testseek.com have collected 510 expert reviews of the AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 8GB HBM2 PCIe and the average rating is 79%. Scroll down and see all reviews for AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 8GB HBM2 PCIe.
August 2017
510 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
0 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
Vega 64 is slightly slower than the GTX 1080
While the liquid cooled version wins more than it loses against the GTX 1080
Faster than GeForce GTX 1070 FE
~30% lower power than Vega 64
Great 1440p performance
Competitive with an Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070
Vega 56 Radeon Red Pack may add sweetener for some buyers
Competitive at 1440p resolution gaming
Faster than the GeForce GTX 1070
Much more power efficient than RX Vega 64
Quieter than RX Vega 64
Enhanced Sync works amazingly well
FreeSync at no increased monitor cost
New instructions
Packed math
Primitive shaders
Simplified tuning profiles i
Solid performance across the board. 8GB of HBM 2 memory should prove useful in the long term. Matches the current performance value king
The GTX 1070
Which is no small feat. Modern DX12 architecture. Freesync gaming
The editors didn't like
Poor availability and thus pricing. AMD's aircooled RX Vega 64 reference card is ~5% slower than the GTX 1080 FE despite being hotter
Louder and using more power (though we have high hopes for custom cards)
Large and power-hungry
Higher power consumption than GTX 1070
Cooling fan is loud under load
Uncertain value given volatile pricing
Lags behind the GTX 1070 on some titles (a few older games at 1080p
In our tests)
High TDP and power requirements versus competing Nvidia cards
High power requirements
No DVI port
Higher power draw than comparable NVIDIA cards
Coil noise at high FPS
Fan does not stop in idle
Vega seems to be less efficient than Nvidia's Pascal. We were expecting a bit more from the late challenger
Abstract: 1열 종대 헤쳐모여! 그래픽카드 12종 성능 비교 테스트 비교적 최근 VGA로 구성 된 총 24개의 세팅2018년 9월 NVIDIA의 새로운 세대 그래픽카드인 GeForce RTX 2080 Ti와 RTX 2080 출시 이후, TITAN RTX를 포함 2019년 1월까지, NVIDIA는 거의 매달 RTX 20시리즈의 라인업을 공개하였다. 그리고, 얼마 전 CES 2019에서 AMD CEO 리사 수 박사가 소개한 AMD...
Abstract: 2018년 9월 NVIDIA의 새로운 세대 그래픽카드인 GeForce RTX 2080 Ti와 RTX 2080 출시 이후, TITAN RTX를 포함 2019년 1월까지, NVIDIA는 거의 매달 RTX 20시리즈의 라인업을 공개하였다. 그리고, 얼마 전 CES 2019에서 AMD CEO 리사 수 박사가 소개한 AMD의 새로운 그래픽카드 RADEON 7의 정보까지. 이렇게 5개월 정도의 짧은 기간에 그래픽카드 분야에서는 준비된 많은 이벤트가 공개되어, 유저들의 뜨거운 관심을...
Harga bersaing Performa kencang Bandwidth dan kapasitas memori besar
TDP tinggi
Radeon RX Vega 56 justru lebih menarik untuk dipinang ketimbang saudaranya yaitu Vega 64. Selain performanya sudah sangat bagus, ia juga dibanderol dengan harga yang lebih kompetitif (kisaran Rp7,3 juta) dan TDP yang lebih rendah. Kartu grafis ini juga ma...
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Published: 2017-11-27, Author: Muhammad , review by: hexatekno.com
Performa tinggi, Menggunakan HBM2 (Bandwith yang di hasilkan cukup kencang)
Headroom Overclocking yang Terbatas, Konsumsi Daya yang tinggi, Ukuran besar, Panas, AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 8GB
AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 8GBOverall, AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 8GB memiliki peforma yang sangat mengesankan, RX Vega 56 disini pantas di sandingkan untuk melawan VGA kubu sebelah yaitu seri GTX 1070. Kebanyakan game mampu dimainkan dengan setting maksimal. VGA c...
رأينا في المراجعة السابقة بطاقة VEGA 64 وهي تنافس بطاقة GTX 1080 ولكن مع سحب كهربي عالي أما في بطاقتنا الجديدة RX VEGA 56 البطاقة أفضل من بطاقة GTX 1070 المكسورة السرعة في معظم الألعاب وحتي الألعاب التي تحب بطاقات شركة NVIDIA وبسحب كهربي مشابة تماما لبطاق...
Abstract: Sikeres és jó videokártyákat készít évek óta az AMD, de sajnos egy apró bökkenő van ezekkel: a középkategóriába tartoznak. Ez az átlagos, PC-s játékosok szempontjából nem különösebben gond, ebben az árszegmensben fogy a legtöbb VGA, és ezeket a modelleket...
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