Testseek.com have collected 88 expert reviews of the Seagate Backup Plus Fast USB3 STDA and the average rating is 83%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Seagate Backup Plus Fast USB3 STDA.
April 2014
88 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
0 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
Small drive that has a 4 TB capacity
Bus powered
Includes two cables
One allows you to pull enough power from laptops that wouldn't otherwise drive the drive
Tightly integrated with Seagate's dashboard software and ships with it preloaded
Allows you
Excellent software and apps
Good price for 4TB of storage
Very fast transfer speeds with it's dual-drive configuration
Massive capacity for a portable drive
Easy to set up
Fast write speeds
Prodigious storage capacity. Speedy throughput.
Very fast
4TB of capacity
Very low cost per gigabyte
The Seagate Backup Plus Fast is indeed extremely fast
And includes helpful backup software. The drive also provides top capacity
And is bus-powered
Good speeds
Especially for reads
No adapter required for powering up the drive
The editors didn't like
Works with USB 3.0 but not thunderbolt
Uses mechanical drives rather than solid state drives
RAID0 for backup is dangerous
Not serviceable by the user
Slight price premium over two 2TB USB 3.0 drives
Can eat up two USB connectors
No more Universal Storage Module (USM) interface. No Thunderbolt option. Bulky
Very difficult to recover from a RAID 0 failure
Thicker and heavier than single-drive alternatives
Users can't change the internal drives
The RAID 0 setup might result in a higher risk of data loss
RAID 0 carries risks that would discourage many users to purchase
Seagate Dashboard doesn't have the option to change the RAID configuration
Local price (India) is insanely priced
Casing should be lot stronger considering it houses 2x mechanical HDDs
Trods det enormt anonyme og måske lidt små-kedelige ydre, så er det svært ikke at blive imponeret over Seagate Backup Plus Fast Portable 4TB. Man får enormt meget plads, hele 4TB, og den fylder ikke meget mere end de fleste eksterne 2,5″ harddiske og kræv...
WOL (Wake On LAN), Forholdsvis stille (i idle mode), USB 3.0 både på front og bag, Plads til 4 harddiske, Seagate BlackArmor Backup 2011,
Ingen mulighed for installation af andre programmer, Ingen mulighed for installation af 3. parts programmer, Ikke særlig brugervenligt (i forhold til konkurrerende producenter), Ikke mulighed for 2,5” harddiske (fx SSD'er), Højt strømforbrug på trods af s
Et af verdens største producenter af harddiske er faktisk Seagate (efter opkøbet af Samsungs harddisk afdeling). Så hvad ville være mere passende end, at starte med at producere enheder kan kan optage masser af disse? Nemlig NAS-enheder. Vi har derfor ta...
Published: 2015-02-27, Author: Jan , review by: ddworld.cz
Dnes jsme si tedy předvedli hned tři různě řešené možnosti, které nabízí svět externích pevných disků. Zdaleka nejzajímavější a největší dojem na nás udělal Seagate Wireless Plus - 2TB. Ale začneme od konce.Seagate BackUp Plus (SLIM) - 1TBNejjednodušší a...
Abstract: Taşınabilir harici depolama birimleri konusunda geniş bir yelpazede ürünler sunan Seagate, Backup Plus serisine eklediği Fast ile hem depolama alanı hem de performansa önemli eşikleri aşmayı başarıyor. USB 3.0 arayüzünden bağlanan cihaz sadece tek bir USB...
Published: 2014-05-13, Author: Ömer , review by: technolabs.net
Abstract: Taşınabilir disklerde günümüzde iki temel tasarım kalıbı mevcut. Bunlardan birincisi tür taşınabilir diskler, gücünü kendine özel bir adaptörden alan, son derece yüksek depolama kapasitelerine erişebilen fakat iri kıyım yapısı nedeniyle sorun çıkarabilen ...
Abstract: 針對使用者對於USB硬碟既要大容量又要高速度的需求,Seagate率先推出容量高達4TB,型號為STDA4000300,長寬高為116.9mm x 82.5mm x 22.35mm,由於使用的硬碟為超薄型設計,所以整體厚度僅比市售的其他2TB外接硬碟稍微厚一點。雖然內建兩顆硬碟,但使用一般USB 3.0就能滿足供電需求,不過如果連接USB2.0埠,建議使用USB雙接頭,否則可能會遇到電力不足的問題。要特別注意的是,使用時,用戶無法任意更改RAID設定,而且若刪除硬碟分割區,在磁碟管理程式中會變成兩個分割區...