Testseek.com have collected 57 expert reviews of the Western Digital My Book Studio 2 USB2/FireWire WDH2Q and the average rating is 79%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Western Digital My Book Studio 2 USB2/FireWire WDH2Q.
February 2009
57 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
0 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
Sleek design
Lots of storage space
5-year limited warranty
Enormous capacity. FireWire 800 and eSATA connectivity. Compatible with Mac and Windows. Affordably priced. Can be configured for RAID 0/1.
Capacious storage. Speedy. Low power consumption. Quiet. Easy to replace internal hard drives. Capacity indicator.
Large 2TB of storage
"Green" drives use less electricity
User replaceable hard drives
4TB capacity
2TB mirrored
RAID 0 or RAID 1
Several I/O ports for PC connectivityQuiet and low power usage.
The My Book Studio Edition II offers up to 6TB of storage
Features RAID 0 and RAID 1
And supports USB 2.0
FireWire (400/800)
And eSATA connections. The drive is fast and affordable
Massive storage space
User-replaceable drives
ESATA and FireWire 800 ports offer speedy transfers for Mac or PC
Get SSD upgrade from ExperCom Seagate plans SSD
2TB hard drive for next year The unit boasts a quad interface
But in reality it only has three types of onboard connectors-two FireWire 800 ports
One mini USB 2.0 port
And one eSATA port
Which youll...
The editors didn't like
Unimpressive write speeds
Bottom Line
If size is your main consideration
Then you do well to check out the Western Digital My Book Studio Edition II (6TB). Not only does it epitomize capaciousness
It's a nimble performer with enough versatility to last until you fill it up
A little pricey on a dollar-per-GB basis. Install disc contains crapware. Capacity indicator requires software installation. Backup is data oriented
Not disaster-recovery oriented. eSATA cable not included.
ESATA cable is not included
Front LED capacity indicator requires installation of a utility
Apple default settings
No Firewire 400 or Ethernet ports
WD RAID Manager software runs only under Microsoft Windows
No Linux support.
The My Book Studio Edition II doesn't support USB 3.0 and internal hard drives made by other vendors. It runs hot
Seems buggy at times
And doesn't come with an eSATA cable
But not unreasonable considering capacity
No eSATA cable included
No FireWire 400 port
Western Digital utility must be installed before RAID configuration can be changed.
My Book Studio er i utgangspunktet rettet mot Mac-markedet, men den fungerer utmerket med en pc også. Prisen for My Book Studio II i 2 terabyte-versjon er cirka 3 300 kroner inklusive mva. En versjon på 1 terabyte (2 x 500 gigabyte) finnes også til c...
Kapacitet - hele 6TB, Pænt design, Mulighed for at tage harddiskene ud, God medfølgende software (de første 30 dage), Mange tilslutnings muligheder, Meget stabil, Lavt strømforbrug, Mulighed for RAID,
Intet medfølgende eSATA-kabel, Kunne godt have USB 3.0 tilslutning, Pris, Medfølgende backup program udløber efter 30 dage, Ikke gode nok hastigheder med FireWire og USB 2.0, SCORE 75, Western Digital My Book Studio Edition II Jacob Cz
My Book Studio Edition II o pojemności 6TB to profesjonalna macierz dwudyskowa. Sprawna, szybka i świetnie wyposażona zarówno w interfejsy jak i oprogramowanie. Długość gwarancji 5 lat.OpisOpis produktu w przygotowaniuSpołeczności wykopywarka wersja ko...
Khusus untuk Mac, tapi bisa untuk Windows, Bonus perlengkapan sangat baik
Tidak diberikan male connector untuk standar di Indonesia.
Sebuah alternatif untuk para pemakai Macintosh yang saat ini hanya memiliki sedikit pilihan. Walaupun sebagian besar pengguna Macintosh saat ini masih dapat memakai hard disk eksternal dengan USB 2.0, akan tetapi banyak pula para pemakai Mac yang hanya in...