Testseek.com have collected 43 expert reviews of the Western Digital My Book Velociraptor Duo Thunderbolt WD-BUWZ and the average rating is 81%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Western Digital My Book Velociraptor Duo Thunderbolt WD-BUWZ.
April 2013
43 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
0 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
It’s fast
Daisychaining with Thunderbolt
You can replace a faulty drive
Impressive RAID 0 performance
Solid single drive performance
Ease of use
Threeyear warranty
Comes with a Thunderbolt cable
Easy RAID configuration options
Great read and write performance
Speedy as a SSD on read operations. Larger capacity than a SSD. Can be configured for RAID 0 or RAID 1. Faster than SSD on write operations. User serviceable. Can be daisy chained using dual Thunderbolt ports. Comes with Thunderbolt cable.
The WD My Book VelociRaptor Duo offers stellar performance
Includes a Thunderbolt cable
And is easy to service
It’s super-fast! Includes Thunderbolt cable.
The editors didn't like
Noisier than a MacBook Pro 13″
No RAID in Windows Yet
Heat dissipation seems inadequate
High price-point
No USB compatibility interface
Only Thunderbolt interface. No visual capacity indicator
The My Book VelociRaptor Duo doesn't offer any other connection types and is relatively pricey
Published: 2012-06-15, Author: Leo , review by: techporn.ph
Fastest HDD so far, IcePack actually works!, 5 Years Warranty
Pricing could be better
First thing's first: This is undoubtedly, the fastest spinner that a consumer can get his/her hands so far, and also the fastest mechanical drive that I've personally tested. Real world performance is great, and temperatures for an HDD is top notch. Looki...
Abstract: Do you hunger for more speed in your external storage disks? The flash storage built into some MacBooks are really fast, but too small. Wouldn't it be nice if you could add some really fast storage to your MacBook Air or MacBook Pro? Yes, Western Digital ...
Published: 2013-05-01, Author: Abbas , review by: tbreak.ae
Abstract: Moving to solid state drives is becoming increasingly common amongst laptops- especially Macs. Apple has moved their entire MacBook Air lineup to SSDs and the new Retina based MacBook Pro laptops also only come with Sold State Drives. While SSDs are fast,...
Performances, Câble Thunderbolt fourni, Capacité de stockage, Changement de disque dur simplifié, Démontage sans outil
Prix dans l'absolu, 2 To maximum
Le My Book Velociraptor apporte de la nouveauté sur le segment des produits Thunderbolt. Western Digital a tout simplement associé deux Velociraptor 1 To, le disque dur le plus performant du marché, pour obtenir des performances de premier ordre tout en o...
Per qualità, prestazioni e connessioni questo è sicuramente uno dei migliori Hard Disk in circolazione, almeno se avete un Mac con porta Thunderbolt. Purtroppo costa non poco....
Abstract: La nuova connessione ad alta velocità propria dei sistemi Apple (ma in arrivo anche su qualche scheda madre per Pc Windows) ha portato a un rinnovo quasi totale delle periferiche ad alte prestazioni dedicate ai professionisti operanti con sistemi Macintos...
Prestazioni in grado di competere con le unità SSD esterne, Ampia capacità di storage, Hardware ben costruito e di facile accesso
Mancano le porte USB e/o FireWire
Sfruttando dischi fissi tradizionali velocissimi, il RAID e il collegamento Thunderbolt, il Western Digital My Book VelociRaptor Duo è in grado di offrire prestazioni molto simili a quelle possibili con le unità basate esclusivamente su SSD, offrendo però...
De Western Digital My Book VelociRaptor Duo laat zien wat mogelijk is met Thunderbolt in combinatie met 'gewone' harde schijven. Het is een externe harde schijf met een enorme doorvoersnelheid. Technisch is het zelfs mogelijk om meerdere My Book Veloci...
Published: 2013-03-19, Author: Andreas , review by: hardwareluxx.se
Abstract: Ökande mängder av data kräver allt både mer lagringsutrymme och snabbare datalagring. Under två år har Apple varit den drivande kraften bakom lagringsgränssnittet Thunderbolt. Den Intel utvecklade tekniken kännetecknas av sin flexibilitet och höga datagen...
WD My Book är en riktigt trevlig disk, det är inte tu tal om något annat. Den är snabb, ganska tyst, enkel att koppla in och om man ser bortom det lite halvkackiga plastskalet så är det en robust konstruktion på dess insida. Hårddiskarna är snabba som skå...