Testseek.com have collected 140 expert reviews of the Intel 2.5 inch 510 Series SATA600 and the average rating is 81%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Intel 2.5 inch 510 Series SATA600.
May 2011
140 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
159 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
Good throughput
Excellent build quality
Retains 34nm flash with higher write-cycles
Tried and true controller
But not from Intel
Very good performance over legacy and SATA 6.0Gbps connections
Strong Sequential Performance
Benefits From Intel's QC Labs
Strong performance
Particularly in sequential reads and writes. Supports 6Gbps SATA.
Silky smooth operation as a system drive (during the test period)
Excellent reading and writing performance
Good 4K random I/O performance
SATA 6Gbps support
Excellent multitasking potential
TRIM support under Windows 7
Lightning fast access t
Fast sequential reads and writes
Vaunted Intel longevity.
Outstanding performance
Supports TRIM
3 year warranty
Good amount of accessories included
Nice looking
Rugged metal case
The editors didn't like
IOPS performance
While decent
Doesn't hold a candle to previous (3Gb/sec) generations
Price (see below)
Slower in some areas than X25-M
Still a huge gap in speed compared to latest SandForce models
Random Reads / Writes
IOPS performance vs. Newer Drives
Slow random-access speeds compared with competing drives. Relatively expensive.
Slightly slow sequential writing performance by today's standards.
Abstract: 100 GB i więcej na SSDDo porównania wybraliśmy kilkanaście nośników, które zapewniają pojemność 100–128 GB. Takie konstrukcje nie są najtańszymi na rynku, ale znając rozmiary poszczególnych partycji na redakcyjnych komputerach, możemy śmiało stwierdzić, ż...
Published: 2011-03-09, Author: Jan , review by: svethardware.cz
Ukázalo se, že zvláště 250GB verze je na tom se sekvenčním čtením velmi dobře. To je ostatně něco, čím se Intel rád chlubí, ovšem my si počkejme, až k nám doputují i další nové modely SSD, a především slíbený OCZ Vertex 3. Pokud ten totiž u svých specifik...
Published: 2011-07-10, Author: Peter , review by: pc.zoznam.sk
Abstract: Intel nedávno obnovil svoju ponuku SSD o 25nm modely aj sériu 510 s rozhraním S-ATA III. Pozrieme sa tiež na výkon miniatúrnych 310 Series. Šesť Intel SSD v megateste.Ako sa zvykne hovorievať, nalejme si čistého vína – SSD od Intelu už nie sú tými najv...
Abstract: Подарихте ли по едно SSD за Коледа? Ако не сте, все още можете да го направите, макар и следпразнично. За да ви улесним, този път ви предлагаме сравнение на някои от най-добрите SSD устройства за 2011 г, налични на нашия пазар. Денислав Славчев SSD (Soli...
Abstract: Николай Колев Денислав Славчев С един приятел мислехме да си подарим по едно SSD по Коледа (не последната, а преди нея), съблазнени от обещанията за 100-доларови моделчета с прилични капацитети. И двамата обаче станахме жертви на проклятието, че заплата и...
Abstract: At 250 GB, the Intel Series 510 SSD has a rather large capacity for an SSD, by today's standard at least. That should provide you with ample storage space within which you can protect your precious data (aside from being very fast, SSDs are also known for...
TRIM hanya berjalan pada OS Windows 7 serta MacOS dan Linux kernel terbaru
Selama ini, SATA III masih didominasi dengan peripheral hard disk saja. Hal tersebut tentu saja tidak membuktikan kemampuan interface SATA III secara keseluruhan. Hard disk yang ada saat ini saja belum bisa menembus batas yang dimiliki oleh SATA generasi ...