Testseek.com have collected 33 expert reviews of the Kingston mSATA SSDNow mS200 SATA600 and the average rating is 87%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Kingston mSATA SSDNow mS200 SATA600 .
33 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
139 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
Solid performance in real world usage
Able to achieve its rated speeds of 540MB/s and 530MB/s (read and write) in benchmarks
3year warranty
Good boot drive performance
Three-year warranty
The SSD is of a magnitude faster than the mechanical hard drive in almost every way. Using RST and our mS200 mSATA SSD
Windows startup is blazing fast and shutdown is noticeably quicker
Kingston's SSDNow V series
Including the mS200 mSATA drives
Low price point
Can easily be used to upgrade a ultra-thin laptop or tablet of desktop board with mSATA support
The editors didn't like
Fairly expensive at about $200 for 240GB (120GB version is a better value)
Please drop by the Bigbruin.com Forum and feel free to post any comments or questions.
Slightly higher price per gigabyte
Price per GB is still high compared to mechanical hard drives and mSATA commands a premium over regular SSDs. If you don't need the mini-SATA form factor
Get a regular SATA SSD for caching
Did not perform as well as the other drives our synthetic mixed workloads
Fell short of claimed sequential performance in tests
Published: 2014-06-20, Author: Сергей , review by: ua.gecid.com
Компактные твердотельные накопители прошли довольно быстрый путь развития и уже сейчас по многим параметрам не уступают стандартным 2,5-дюймовым SSD. В этом мы убедились лично, протестировав Kingston SMS200S3/480G стандарта mSATA. Он имеет довольно большо...
Published: 2013-11-22, Author: Michał , review by: pcfoster.pl
Dobra wydajność, Przystępna cena, Gwarancja 36 miesięcy, Dobra wydajność, Przystępna cena, Gwarancja 36 miesięcy
Brak znaczących, Brak znaczących
Typowym dla napędów z kontrolerem SandForce jest przeznaczenie części pojemności poza dostęp użytkownika. W tym przypadku finalnie zamiast 120 GB możemy skorzystać z 111 GB. Deklarowane wartości odczytu (550 MB/s) i zapisu (520 MB/s) przez producenta potw...
Kingston SMS200S3 480GB mSATA, dizüstü bilgisayarda sistem kurmak isteyenler için biçilmiş kaftan. Bu sebepten hakkıyla benden Editörün Seçimi ve Almaya Değer ödülünü almaya hak kazanıyor. Puan: 8,7 / 10 Fiyat: 1169 TL Artılar: - Stabil performans - 3 yı...
Ev kullanıcıları için yeterli performans, Düşük güç tüketimi, Kolay bulunabilirlik
TRIM komutu düzgün çalışmıyor, Zayıf yazılım desteği
Kingston mS200 serîsinin performansı hakkında tablolarda müşâhede ettikleriniz hâricinde ifâde edebileceğimiz pek birşey yok. İlk sürümde yer verilen ve kısmen cılız olan SF-2241 kontrolcüsü kaliteli Toshiba NAND'lar ile ayakta tutulmaya...
Kingston SMS200S3 120GB mSATA, dizüstü bilgisayarda sistem kurmak isteyenler için biçilmiş kaftan. Bu sebepten hakkıyla benden “Editörün Seçimi” ödülünü almaya hak kazanıyor. Fiyat: 120GB'ı 300TL, 60GB'ı 170TL Artılar: - Stabil performans - 3 yıl garanti...
Abstract: 固態硬碟相信對大家來說都已經不是陌生的產品了,過去它在消費市場逐漸崛起之時,SandForce控制器曾經佔有廣闊的領土,放眼望去,不論高階還是低階的型號,都不難發現它的身影,相較於Marvell、Link A Media等廠牌,在SSD才剛起步的階段,市場上搭載SandForce控制器的固態硬碟可謂滿坑滿谷,當年SF-2281初登板的時候,傳輸的效率幾乎無人能出其右;但近幾年相較於其他廠牌的控制器,SandForce的前進步調就相對緩慢的多,被LSI併購之後也遲遲沒有推出新的控制器,SF-2281這位曾經...
Abstract: 固態硬碟相信對大家來說都已經不是陌生的產品了,過去它在消費市場逐漸崛起之時,SandForce控制器曾經佔有廣闊的領土,放眼望去,不論高階還是低階的型號,都不難發現它的身影,相較於Marvell、Link A Media等廠牌,在SSD才剛起步的階段,市場上搭載SandForce控制器的固態硬碟可謂滿坑滿谷,當年SF-2281初登板的時候,傳輸的效率幾乎無人能出其右;但近幾年相較於其他廠牌的控制器,SandForce的前進步調就相對緩慢的多,被LSI併購之後也遲遲沒有推出新的控制器,SF-2281這位曾經...