Testseek.com have collected 43 expert reviews of the MSI Big Bang-XPower and the average rating is 86%. Scroll down and see all reviews for MSI Big Bang-XPower.
August 2010
43 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
0 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
Excellent overclocking
Competitive Price
Lower Power Consumption
Clean layout
Audio riser card
LED's can be switched off
Cool surface mount power buttons.
The editors didn't like
Some features only benefit tiny fringe of enthusiasts
Abstract: We’ve seen how three-way SLI boosts gaming performance, but do we really need X58's PCI Express connectivity to realize those gains? Using three GTX 480s, we pit the latest P55/NF200 solution from ECS against a powerful X58-based incumbent to find out....
Abstract: Unfortunately their board design does feature a few aspects which could have been better thought out, many of which are no doubt due to a slight lack of experience with ultra-high end devices. The inclusion of a PCIe 1x audio card and dual GB LAN are good aspects but on the more negative side the use of a six pin PCIe power connector on the board t..
Abstract: Supporting Intel’s highest-performance processors with twice the bandwidth of its mainstream counterpart, the X58 chipset proves the staying power of good ideas. We take a closer look at what makes the latest generation of premium motherboards special....
A quality product with unparalled overclocking capabilities and support for every featureset on the market. Overclocking is also a cinch.Discuss in our forum over here...
If you had previously thought that X58 motherboards are expensive, we're sure that your impressions have only grown stronger with the ultra premium ones here. These are, in the words of others, trophy boards that often do not justify their cost. Of cou...
El difícil mercado de las placas base está acabando con la competencia pero también está haciendo que los supervivientes de la criba consigan un nivel de especialización y de tecnología mucho más elevada que hace unos años. MSI es uno de estos supervi...
Published: 2010-08-09, Author: Alex , review by: techstation.it
Dopo diversi articoli dove abbiamo analizzato le alcune schede madri di fascia alta, eccoci a presentarvi un focus su un prodotto uscito recentemente dedicato al pubblico enthusiast. La scheda madre oggetto di questo focus è l' MSI Big Bang Xpower . L'Xp...
Abstract: Con la famiglia di schede madri Big Bang MSI vuole proporre soluzioni destinate al pubblico degli utenti più appassionati, da abbinare a processori Intel socket 1366 LGA oppure 1156 LGA a seconda delle versioni. Abbiamo già avuto modo in precedenza di ...
MSI non delude affatto le aspettative degli end user più esigenti, proponendo questa splendida soluzione con una circuiteria di alimentazione veramente solida, un bundle completo ed un prezzo rapportato alle performance veramente competitivo. Il prezzo...