Testseek.com have collected 39 expert reviews of the Corsair Flash Survivor USB2 and the average rating is 81%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Corsair Flash Survivor USB2.
August 2009
39 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
0 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
Good reading and writing performance
Very large capacity
Extension USB cable and dog tags supplied
Extremely robust and durable
10 year limited warranty.
Rugged construction
Water resistant
Fast read speed
Ten-year warranty
The most durable drive going. Ten-year limited warranty.
Aircraft-grade aluminum case
Slipresistant ridges on the casing. Narrow profile doesn't block adjacent USB ports when you plug it in. ReadWrites at 34MBps/28MBps. 10year warranty. USB extension cable and dogtag chain included. Also available in 32GB and 64GB models
The editors didn't like
Bigger and weights a little more than usual USB stick drives
Slow write speed
No data encryption
Cap is as big as the drive
Lose it and you lose the durability.
Below-average speeds
Large for a flash drive
Dropping it is fine. But with the circular design
You'll want to avoid dropping it on hills. Dogtag chain or no
It's too big to be comfortably worn like a pendant
Abstract: USB flash drives are the most popular and the fastest advancing gadget in the technology market and the rate at which they are progressing is remarkable...
USB Flash drives have become ubiquitous these days and they are usually subjected to a lot of wear and tear at the hands of the user. Corsair seems to have taken note of this and hence has introduced the new Corsair Survivor. Built to endure just about...
Just like the 8GB version, we’re still very impressed with Corsair’s enhanced aluminum shell for brilliant protection for your data. An increased capacity of four times over the original one we reviewed should provide plenty of space for your...
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Estamos sin duda alguna ante una de las mejores memorias USB flash de alto rendimiento del mercado. Además de esto cuenta con una dureza y resistencia excepcionales, muy superior a cualquier competidor del mercado, cuenta también con 8 ...
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En las pruebas Fisicas que realizamos a la SUVIVOR paso excelentemente ya que no lo esperabamos y en realidad nos deja con el ojo cuadrado el tipo de producto que ha sacado la marca Corsair para el sector del almacenamiento portatil en este caso con l...
Abstract: Des clés USB qui sortent de lordinaireDes clés USB, il y en a de toutes sortes, de toutes capacités et de tous designs. Si celles que nous vous avions présentées dans notre comparatif de clés USB 8 Go étaient somme toute assez classiques, les modèles ...
Au final, la clé USB Corsair Flash Survivor remplit son rôle de compagnon du baroudeur. Ceux qui copient souvent de grandes quantités de données se tourneront vers le modèle GT qui offre des performances largement supérieures en écriture alors que les...
Une clé USB qui séduira surtout pour son aspect indestructible. Pour les débits, c'est mitigé avec un bon score en lecture tandis qu'en écriture, c'est "juste" dans la moyenne....