The editors liked Bright 120 Hz OLED Strong SoC Very good cooling Good speakers Excellent battery life Fast charging & matching power supply Optional AniMe Matrix light show on the lid Good keyboard with decent travel Clicky feedback And a backlight Packs one of the most powerful mobile chips out there and supports Wi-Fi 6 8GB/16GB of soldered memory plus one RAM SODIMM slot supporting 32 Optional AniMe Matrix light that can be turned off for better battery life Nice keyboard with decent travel and clicky feedback Good for both typing and gaming Has one of the most beefier mobile chips 8GB or 16GB of soldered memory and one additional Portable and thin design Performance is quite good Thermal management is top-notch Best-in-class battery Good looks AMD Ryzen 4900HS offers strong performance Stellar battery life Comfortable keyboard Absolutely spectacular aluminum design that's slim Light And beautifully refined Gorgeous 120Hz OLED display with fantastic color reproduction and responsiveness Impressively quick AMD Ryzen CPU paired with capable NVIDIA GPUs Keyboard Touchpad And es Desktop power in an ultraportable laptop Excellent design Great keyboard and trackpad 120-hertz display Good value Killer AMD and Nvidia performance Longest-lasting gaming laptop ever Lightning fast SSD Bright 120Hz display Comfy keyboard Elegant Moonlight White design Strong speakers Excellent CPU performance for its size Comfortable keyboard with a surprising amount of travel Demanding games are playable Sleek retro vibe Comfortable touchpad and keyboard Strong battery life for productivity Great performance for gaming and everything else Super portable design paired with 11-hour battery life Great display and audio Lightweight and solid build Powerful CPU and GPU Great keyboard for gaming Faster 120Hz monitor Best-in-class battery life
The editors didn't like Android 12 only Mediocre ultra-wide-angle camera No IP rating No WiFi 6E No wireless charging USB 2.0 only Lacks an SD card reader and Thunderbolt support The laptop gets loud and very warm when gaming The RTX 2060 Max-Q happens to run quite warm after during periods of gaming The laptop gets loud and warm when gaming Expensive Anime Matrix serves no practical use Backlighting is not great ShareTweetShare Fan sometimes whirs when idle No webcam No Thunderbolt 3 Gets hot to the touch and experiences some thermal throttling under load Display hinge feels a little too flimsy Doesn't have the battery life of other ultrabooks in this weight class Keyboard font isn't everyone's style Poor keyboard lighting Power connector in the middle of the left side White keyboard backlight doesn't consistently shine through transparent keycap areas No Thunderbolt 3 connection 16 9 aspect ratio is cumbersome for productivity CPU gets hot Keyboard has backlighting issues Keyboard is a bit cramped for typing Summary The Zephyrus G14 has everything we'd want in an ultraportable gaming laptop It's lightweight Powerful and lasts nearly 13 hours on battery. It's so good You won't mind that it doesn't have a web
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Published: 2020-08-09, Author: Roman , review by:
Klobúk dolu, ROG Zephyrus G14 je všestranný a skvelo použiteľný herný notebook. Ocenia ho hráči, ktorí hľadajú čo najkompaktnejšie herné zariadenie, ale aj používatelia, ktorí chcú kompaktný výkonný počítač na prácu a aj hranie.Cena: od 1259 €, testovaný...
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Published: 2020-07-03, Author: Miroslav , review by:
Aké dojmy vo mne zanechal najvýkonnejší 14“ herný notebook na svete? V prvom rade je to skutočne výkonný ale zároveň kompaktný notebook, na ktorom si môžem zahrať prakticky hocijakú hru bez obmedzení. Zároveň sa však jedná o kompaktný a ľahký kúsok, ktorý...
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Published: 2020-09-19, Author: 编辑 , review by:
Abstract: 提起游戏本这类产品,大家脑海的第一印象是什么呢?「傻大黑粗」?「跑马边框」?「习武之人必备健身器材」?而如今有一款新品,它成功撕掉了以上这些传统游戏本的标签,官方将其定位为「轻薄高效能潮玩笔记本」。它就是我们本次的主角——兼顾小巧身材和澎湃性能的 ROG 幻 14 笔记本。从 ROG 的官方定位不难看出,幻 14 的亮眼之处就在于三点:轻薄、高效能以及潮玩。说起 ROG,大家的印象除了贵以外,应该就是那颗硕大的眼睛以及酷炫的 RGB 灯效。然而近两年 ROG 还是推出了不少外观更为...
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作为一款全方位发展的笔记本,ROG幻14无论是在设计、性能方面都可圈可点。无论是R7 4800HS处理、RTX光追显卡,还是1.6kg的重量、2K显示屏,都凸显了这款产品优秀。如果对游戏本的性能、轻薄、屏幕等方面有较高的需求,那么可以大胆选购这款产品。...
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Published: 2020-06-05, Author: 魏坤 , review by:
玩家国度ROG幻14搭载了AMD R9 4900HS处理器,并且辅之以英伟达 RTX 2060 Max-Q显卡,在性能的表现上面对同等价位的电竞本绝对是不遑多让,如果用它来玩游戏,那绝对要喊一句“AMD YES!”另外ROG幻14的14英寸的小机身控制了体积重量,并且做好了散热能够让AMD处理器和英伟达的显卡能够充分发挥实力,这也证明了ROG幻14足够地YES,绝对可以满足绝大多数玩家对于游戏本轻薄且性能强大的需求。...
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了解ROG幻14硬件配置和理论性能测试后,下面我们进行场景与游戏测试。7-Zip是一款完全免费而且开源的压缩软件,相比其他软件有更高的压缩比但同时耗费的资源也相对更多。运行7-Zip的基准测试,ROG幻14的测试结果为70392MIPS。X264 FHD Benchmark是一款视频转换类测试工具,通过转换自带的一部影视作品来测试CPU的编解码能力并得出相应的分数。ROG幻14成绩为54.95fps。X265是近年兴起的一种高效率视频编码,能在保持与X264编码同等画质的情况下,将高清视频的容量降低40%...
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Published: 2020-05-28, review by:
ROG 幻 14 给人的第一感受是不平凡的惊艳,A 面的设计实在是创意十足,对任何人来说这样的设计都是难以抵抗的。更难得的是,它并不是一个花瓶,在 NVIDIA RTX 显卡以及 AMD 锐龙处理器的加持下,它的性能丝毫不弱于任何一款更大屏幕的高性能笔记本,如果你追求个性,想要一台小尺寸、高性能且设计时尚的笔记本,它一定不会让你失望。最近几年各路厂商都将目光放在了 13 英寸的轻薄本以及 15 英寸的游戏本身上,反倒是曾经最受欢迎和关注的 14 英寸笔记本成了稀罕物。这一次 ROG 幻 14 通过如此具有...
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Published: 2020-05-25, Author: 水水 , review by:
作为ROG首款14寸笔记本,幻14的创新和颠覆是前所未有的。它给我们带来了这样一台笔电在14英寸的机身里同时塞进了AMD迄今为止性能最强大的移动端CPU和支持光追、DLSS2.0等最新技术特性的RTX2060 Max-Q显卡,76Wh的大电池,65W快速充电以及一块素质极高的2K屏幕,高性能低功耗,但却只有1.7KG的重量、19.9mm的厚度和堪比超级本的续航。而在产品设计上,也坚持着个性第一的原则,不仅有独一无二、极具彰显个性的AniMe Matrix光显矩阵,还有经过数代产品检验的小翘跟设计、冰川散热...
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AMD笔记本翻身之作 其实ROG幻14笔记本早在3月底就在国外上市了,从我们测试的结果来看,它是多年来第一款真正没有明显短板趋近于完美的AMD笔记本。 1、 屏幕 此前的天选笔记本虽然在其他方面的表现非常亮眼,但是45%NTSC色域的屏幕肯定是不能满足高端玩家的需求,现在ROG幻14笔记本不仅采用了72%NTSC色域的屏幕,还有120Hz刷新率以及2K分辨率可供玩家自由选择。 2、续航 ROG幻14笔记本内置一块容量高达76Wh的锂聚合物电池,这个容量已经比很多游戏本更大。经过PCMark 8实...
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