Testseek.com have collected 19 expert reviews of the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2.0 and the average rating is 80%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2.0.
September 2008
19 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
0 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
Better organized with improved search features
Helpful new editing tools including localized corrections and graduated filter
Improved print and Web modules
New Tools
Faster workflow
Excellent Raw conversions
New localized color-correction tools. Enhanced file and disk management. Improved print output. Universal binary.
The editors didn't like
Adobe still hasn’t made a compelling enough argument to me that I need this program over Adobe Bridge.
Heal and Clone brushes
Identity plate problems
Slideshow crashes sometimes
Colorcorrection tools still lacking in areas. Diminished performance in certain situation
Abstract: Just last week Adobe released Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2.0 with major improvements for photographers and advanced hobbyists. Many of the improvements that found their way into Lightroom 2.0 were ones suggested by users who had the chance to work wit...
Abstract: A photo organiser and an impressive photo editor in one, Adobe’s $649 Photoshop Lightroom 2.0 ($249 as an upgrade) adds new editing tools that extend the scope of Lightroom’s familiar environment while keeping things simple, further reducing the need ...
Abstract: Lightroom 2 is the third major release of Adobe’s digital photograph sorting, Raw image-processing and enhancement program – the original version 1.0 was followed fairly rapidly by version 1.5. It’s now compatible with 64-bit processors (Intel Macs run...
Abstract: Adobe has once again released a beta version of Lightroom, its Raw manipulation tool for photographers, for public download. The beta will function for the full term of the beta program (that is, until Lightroom 2 is released) for registered owners of ...
Adobe Lightroom is a new type of photo application, combining image editing with image management for keeping track of photos. Its more efficient than using two different programs. Lightroom uses non-destructive editing, saving adjustments within th...
Abstract: Det känns kanske inte som om det var så länge sedan Adobe lanserade sitt Lightroom, men det har faktiskt gått närmare två år sedan dess. Då var det banbrytande på flera sätt, inte minst för att Adobe redan under utvecklingsstadiet bjöd in testanvänd...
Abstract: Ifølge Adobe er Lightroom skræddersyet til fotografen, og efter at have arbejdet med den nye version er vi ikke i tvivl. Version 2 byder på en række stærke nyheder, men indeholder også tiltrængte finpudsninger. Den mest opsigtsvækkende nyskabelse er ud...
Adobe, som er stor producent af grafik programmer, hvad enten det er til at starte fra bunden af eller som her i Lightroom, direkte redigere i sine billeder, er ude med en ny udgave af Lightroom, som nu er i en Version 2.Der er kommet en lang række til...