Testseek.com have collected 43 expert reviews of the Apple Final Cut Pro 10.0 and the average rating is 71%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Apple Final Cut Pro 10.0.
43 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
0 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
Grand Central Dispatch capable
Visually clean interface
Advanced sound features
Advanced media management
Speed and ease of editing tools
Superior color grading abilities
Background Tasks
Simplified interface and ease of use
Advanced media handling and organizational tools
Internet delivery via Podcast Producer
And YouTube are embedded
Blu-ray disc format output added
App Store delivery allows faster bug fixes and feature upgrades
Transparent media management
Groundbreaking advancements in handling of media via metadata
Blazing speed
The editors didn't like
Lack of realtime audio mixer with keyframing
Loses In/Out points in Browser clips when switching windows
Color Bar is not as logical or scientific as the traditional Wheel
Several vital functions missing
Although promised in the future
This is a brand new approach to editing video that provides a fun and fast experience to editors of all levels. It isn't for everyone
But those
No way to open old Final Cut Pro projects or XML
No real third-party hardware support
No round-tripping to Motion
Apple Color
And many more features (both big and small) that we've come to rely on in Final Cut Pro 7
Does not open previous Final Cut Pro projects
No third-party support for hardware monitoring or software add-ons
Tape media can only be captured via Fire wire
Defaults to media capture from camera
No support for import or export of content to other editors or other finishing systems
No mention of 3D or high-end workflow or deliverables anywhere in the documentation
With Final Cut Pro X, Apple is once again out to completely re-invent the video industry. This is a truly groundbreaking release for a 1.0 software version, and we hope that the professional features that many video editors currently use will be made a...
Simplified interface and ease of use; Advanced media handling and organizational tools; Internet delivery via Podcast Produce, Faceboo, Vime, and YouTube are embedded; Bluray disc format output added; App Store delivery allows faster bug fixes and feature
Does not open previous Final Cut Pro projects; No thirdparty support for hardware monitoring or software addons; Tape media can only be captured via Firewire; Defaults to media capture from camera; No support for import or export of content to other edito
Published: 2011-06-26, Author: Gary , review by: macworld.co.uk
Simplified interface and ease of use; Advanced media handling and organizational tools; Internet delivery via Podcast Producer, Facebook, Vimeo, and YouTube are embedded; Blu-ray disc format output added; App Store delivery allows faster bug fixes and feature upgrades; Transparent media management; Groundbreaking advancements in handling of media via metadata; Blazing speed
Does not open previous Final Cut Pro projects; No third-party support for hardware monitoring or software add-ons; Tape media can only be captured via Firewire; Defaults to media capture from camera; No support for import or export of content to other editors or other finishing systems; No mention of 3D or high-end workflow or deliverables anywhere in the documentation; Limited XML and no EDL su
With Final Cut Pro X, Apple is once again out to completely re-invent the video industry. This is a truly groundbreaking release for a 1.0 software version, and I hope that the professional features that many video editors currently use will be made avail...
Abstract: In video editing, as in other creative media arts, there's a much-noted preference for Apple's Mac computers, as opposed to Windows, Chrome OS, or Linux-based PCs. This no doubt results from Apple's longstanding emphasis on design and creativity. And Appl...
Abstract: Apple continue de peaufiner la nouvelle version de Final Cut Pro. En juin 2011, Apple dévoilait la nouvelle version de Final Cut Pro, une petite révolution dans le cercle très fermé des amateurs de montage vidéo. Cette mise à jour du logiciel étendard ...
Abstract: FCP X marque un changement de stratégie radical d'Apple sur le marché des solutions de montage, l'année même où Adobe relance Premiere sur Mac OS. Un hasard ? Une chose est sûre, cette nouvelle version « grand public » va inciter les mont..
Abstract: Apple aggiorna Final Cut Pro X , il suo programma più avanzato per l'editing professionale dei video. Nel nuovo aggiornamento 10.2 troviamo titoli 3D facili da aggiungere , nuovi effetti e il supporto a nuovi formati, oltre all'elaborazione di file RED RA...
Ottima idea e realizzata in modo da risultare immediatamente usabile, Interfaccia minimale e discreta, Semplicissimo collegamento con iPad tramite l'app gratuita, Riconoscimento immediato del Magic Trackpad, Controlli strutturati in modo organico: bas
Curva di apprendimento un po' ripida prima di raggiungere l'uso automatico e naturale, Ridotta quantità di controlli, Lo scorrimento non è sempre precisissimo
All'inizio ci si sente inevitabilmente disorientati ma le 300 gesture per applicazione, limite massimo disponibile nella versione di prova, sono più che sufficienti per prendere dimestichezza e valutarne l'effettiva utilità prima dell'eventuale acquisto....