Testseek.com have collected 16 expert reviews of the Apple Final Cut Studio 2.0 and the average rating is 85%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Apple Final Cut Studio 2.0.
January 2008
16 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
0 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
Offers a pro-level app for each step of the production and distribution process. Includes a host of new features that save time and improve output. Apps work seamlessly together. Competitive price.
Final Cut Studio 2 is a solid value
Includes new Color app
New open-format timeline
SmoothCam feature
Improves integration throughout the suite
Includes 5.1 surround sound support
Adds effects and templates.
The editors didn't like
Beefy requirements for some apps. DVD Studio Pro unchanged (no Bluray support). Color application features a different interface.
Final Cut Studio 2 offers no support for Blu-ray and some professional cameras
Good value for money, Includes new Color application, New openformat timeline, SmoothCam feature, Improved integration throughout the suite, Includes 5.1 surroundsound support, Adds effects and templates
No support for Bluray and some professional cameras, Lacks previews for exported content, Complexity might cause problems for beginners
Final Cut Studio 2 gives solid value for money and is a worthy upgrade for serious film editors who work on Macs. However, non-professionals should consider simpler software...
Abstract: Once the underdog to video-editing applications from the likes of Adobe and Avid, Apple’s Final Cut Pro has since become the industry standard for desktop cut-&-correct work. Originally targeting the software at wedding videographers and corporate v...
Open Format Timeline New Motion 3D multiplane environment, Professional colour grading app, Reasonable price
Needs a fast machine with loads of RAM, 59GB of space needed to install all content
Ever since its introduction as a QuickTime-based, non-linear video-editing app at NAB in 1998, Final Cut Pro has come a very long way.Napoleon DynamiteCold MountainJarhead300ZodiacFinal Cut Studio, released in 2005 as the successor to the Apple Product...
Abstract: Che il mondo Apple ammicchi vistosamente verso la produzione multimediale non è certo una novità: con le ultime due edizioni del sistema operativo Mac OS X viene fornita in bundle una suite di applicativi adatti allo scopo e destinata all'utenza consum...
von Final Cut Studio 3 kommen. Motion 4 stellt unserer Meinung nach im Final Cut Studio 3 Gesamtpaket die Software mit den meisten wesentlichen Neuerungen dar …Motion 4im Zentrum der neuen Features von Motion 4 steht ganz klar die überarbeitete 3-D-Fu...
Abstract: Trots viss konkurrens från Avid harluckan som lämnats av Adobes rånvaro från videoredigerande på ac-plattformen gjort att Final Cut har blomstrat. Få skulle nog motsäga påståendet att det för närvarande är det ledande programmet för Mac-baser...