Testseek.com have collected 84 expert reviews of the Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet 10 G1 10.1 inch and the average rating is 75%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet 10 G1 10.1 inch.
July 2014
84 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
56 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
Excellent stylus accuracy
Best storage performance
Delivers the full Windows 8.1 experience
Lots of accessories to enhance functionality
Thin and light design
Expandable storage via Micro SD
Highresolution display
Micro SD slot for extra storage
Good performance
Long battery life
Digital pen
Full HD display
Small and light. Slim but strong. 3G/4G LTE option
Active stylus included
Helpful utilities
Above-average battery life
First-rate display
Light weight
Lots of available accessories
More than 12 hours of battery life in our tests. Less than 1.5 pounds. 1
200-resolution screen. Includes digitizer pen. Windows 8.1 Pro.
The upscale-feeling ThinkPad 10 pairs with various keyboards
And covers to become a very flexible hybrid tablet with an excellent high-resolution screen
Strong performance
Good battery life
Beautiful 1920x1200-pixel display
Very thin and light
Excellent port selection
Decent performance
Wacom pen support
Nice tablet
Pen support available
Fantastic keyboard option
Excellent battery life
Availability of accessories
Great brightness on AC power
Extremely thin and portable in tablet form
Option for 4 GB of RAM and 64-bit Windows 8.1
The editors didn't like
Installed antivirus hurts performance
Finicky Power Button
Camera has a strange tint
Gaming performance isn't great
Rear-facing speakers and tinny audio
TouchPad on the optional Ultrabook Keyboard accessory is finicky
Chunky case
Keyboard has no touchpad
It's an Intel Atom
So it won't replace your desktop in most cases. Fiddly port covers
No pen-friendly software included
Inaccurate touchpad
Only one USB port
Only 2GB of RAM
Despite a 64-bit-capable CPU
No slot for the pen unless you purchase the keyboard
Performance could be better
Somewhat pricey. Only 2GB of memory. Small-capacity solid-state drive (SSD). Single USB 2.0 port. Doesn't charge from micro USB. Magnetic connector is quirky. Keyboard dock costs extra
Expensive for an Atom-based tablet
Especially as you add accessories
And it's slower than some other tablets and hybrids
Ultrabook keyboard dock allows just one angle
Can run warm to hot with demanding apps
Ugly design
Flawed build
Glossy display prone to glare
Too expensive at launch
Touch Windows button
Ultrabook dock without hinge
Reviewer's rating
Good tablet
The ThinkPad Tablet 10 is comfortable to use as a tablet for long periods. This is due to the 0.35 inch thickness and 1.3 pound weight
Abstract: 레노버가 첫 단독 글로벌 기술 행사인 '레노버 테크 월드'(Lenovo Tech World)에서 PC 성능과 태블릿의 편의성을 동시에 제공하는 기업용 태블릿을 비롯하여 홈 엔터테인먼트 미디어 캐스팅 디바이스 그리고 윈도우 10을 강력하게 활용할 수 있는 소프트웨어 솔루션 등 미래를 제시하는 새로운 컴퓨팅 솔루션들을 선보였다.이번에 레노버가 공개한 제품들은 완벽한 PC 경험과 태블릿의 편의성을 겸비한 기업용 태블릿 '뉴 씽크패드 10'(New Thin...
Abstract: 레노버 씽크패드10 후기. 베이트레일 윈도 태블릿의 완성형 레노버의 10인치 베이트레일 윈도 태블릿 - 씽크패드10을 사용한지 벌써 7일 정도 되었습니다. 개인적으로는 얇고 가벼운 무게와 안정적인 성능이 돋보였는데요. 그런 성능을 기반으로한 생산성이 꽤 돋보였습니다. 단 MS에서 터치 기반의 생산성 앱에 많이 신경써주면 좋겠다는 생각이 들었습니다. 0. 주요 스펙 프로세서 인텔 Atom 프로세서 Z3795 SoC 쿼드 코어 운영 체제 Windows...
Abstract: 지금껏 인텔 4세대 아톰 프로세서 베이트레일을 탑재한 윈도우 태블릿PC로는 2GB 메모리에 32비트 윈도우8 태브릿PC만 사용해 보았습니다. 이제 베이트레일 윈도우 태블릿PC도 4GB 메모리에 64비트 윈도우 시대가 되었네요. 이번에 소개할 레노버 씽크패드10이 그러한 제품으로, 탑재한 베이트레일 Z3795는 2014년 1분기 중 최상위 모델이죠. 레노버 씽크패드10을 사용하면서 느꼈던 특징을 장점과 단점을 섞어서 정리해 보겠습니다. 박스를 처음 열었을...
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Prosesor Dual Core 1 Ghz, Layar TFT LCD berteknologi IPS, Port USB, Digital Pen
Relatif mahal, Bobot berat, Kerap Hang, Tanpa slot kartu micro SD, Kesimpulan, Mengusung prosesor dual core 1GHz dan layar TFT LCD berteknologi IPS, ThinkPad tampil mengesankan dengan beragam aplikasi produktivitas yang bermanfaat untuk menunjang pekerjaa
Mengusung prosesor dual core 1GHz dan layar TFT LCD berteknologi IPS, ThinkPad tampil mengesankan dengan beragam aplikasi produktivitas yang bermanfaat untuk menunjang pekerjaan Anda. Apalagi dengan janji upgrade Android Ice Cream Sandwich di masa datang....