Testseek.com have collected 169 expert reviews of the Microsoft Surface Pro G7 12.3 inch - Intel CPU and the average rating is 82%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Microsoft Surface Pro G7 12.3 inch - Intel CPU.
November 2019
169 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
13883 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
- LPDDR4X memory working at 3733 MHz
- Ice Lake CPUs
- Good speakers
- Decent battery life
- Covers 90% sRGB (Sharp LQ135P1JX51 (SHP 14B3))
- Average dE value of 1.1 with our Gaming and Web design profile (Sharp - - LQ135P1JX51 (SHP 14B3))
- Doesn’t use aggressive PWM to adjust screen brightness (Sharp LQ135P1JX51 (SHP 14B3))
- Work-friendly 3
2 aspect ratio and a touchscreen usability
- Completely silent
Solid performance
Bright and colorful display
Excellent optional keyboard
USB-C port (finally)
Wonderfully portable
Great performance
USB-C port
Premium metal chassis
Fast overall performance
Vivid display
Comfortable keyboard
Now with USB-C
Powerful Intel Ice Lake CPU boosts performance
USB-A ports allow for peripheral flexibility
Snappy Intel "Ice Lake" processor
Robust battery life
Sharp display
Well-implemented kickstand
Includes USB-C
Quad-core performance is great inside this lightweight tablet
Cool and quiet with quick resume
USB Type-C is finally here
Intel's 10th gen processors make it a really good device for office use
Solid build
Great thermals
This is still the most evolved product in the Surface lineup.
Adds Wi-Fi 6 support.
Includes both USB-C and USB-A ports.
Still the best tablet keyboard anywhere.
New USB-C port
Powerful performance
Best keyboard cover for a tablet
Higher temporary Turbo Boost performance over last year's model
Core i5 CPU performance on par with last year's Core i7
Finally a USB Type-C port with Power Delivery
Updated and faster Toshiba NVMe SSD
Slightly longer battery life
Wi-Fi 6 comes stan
Improved GPU performance over i5 SKU
Wi-Fi 6 by default
Battery life
Quiet despite active cooling
USB-C charging supported
The editors didn't like
- No SD card reader
- Memory is soldered
- Premium price tag
- Limited I/O (for a laptop)
- Basically unupgradable
Underwhelming battery life
Soft speakers
No Thunderbolt 3
Type Cover not included
Middling battery life
Keyboard and stylus sold separately
Expensive SSD
Worse battery life than last year's model
Lack of Thunderbolt and WWAN option are disappointing
Keyboard still sold separately
Just two ports
And no Thunderbolt support
Still no Thunderbolt 3
Dated design that looks old next to a Surface Pro X
Lack of built-in LTE / removable SSDs
Battery life could be improved
Thunderbolt 3 is still missing
The design has not evolved significantly over the past two years.
The keyboard cover and stylus are sold separately
And are too expensive.
Poor battery life compared to predecessor
Outdated design
Keyboard still comes separate
Exact same LG Philips IPS display as on the 2017 Surface Pro 5
Published: 2020-04-18, Author: Roman , review by: touchit.sk
Surface Pro 7 prináša prirodzenú evolúciu. Nárast výkonu, najmä toho grafického, poteší a rovnako aj USB-C port. Či je to jasný dôvod na upgrade z rok starého Surface tabletu – asi nie. Surface Pro 7 tiež neponúka žiadne eso v rukáve, ktoré by vás motivov...
雷柏XK200蓝牙键盘是雷柏为微软Surface Pro 3/4/5/6用户量身打造的组合键盘,可以完美兼容这几款产品,并且对于Surface和Surface Go也有不错的兼容性。我们手中的新版更新了通用性更好USB-C接口和更省电更稳定的蓝牙5.0,操作使用更简单省心,拥有不逊于原装键盘的功能和易用性,而其299元的售价相比原装键盘近千元的售价却有着巨大的优势,无疑是Surface Pro用户极具性价比的键盘选择。...
Abstract: 雷柏XK200蓝牙键盘既是Surface Pro的蓝牙键盘同时又是保护壳,有了这款键盘,你手中的Surface Pro才具备从平板变身成笔记本电脑的能力。新版取消磁吸充电设计,升级蓝牙5.0,右侧功能指示当前键盘工作状态。雷柏XK200蓝牙键盘没有采用触点连接的方式,而是通过蓝牙5.0进行连接,因此使用时不会对Surface本身的续航产生影响也无需担心接触不良的问题。键盘通过真机开模确保匹配性,与Surface Pro 3/4/5/6可以达到最好的兼容性,以Surface Pro 4为例,卡扣和磁吸的设计...
Abstract: 今年10月初,当人们还沉浸在国庆放假的喜悦中的时候,大洋彼岸的微软在纽约召开新品发布会,一口气发布了6款Surface设备,除了惊艳的双屏电脑Surface Neo以及传说中的“Surface Phone”以不一样的形态和消费者见面之外,升级版的微软Surface Pro 7也是本次发布会的最大看点之一,微软Surface Pro 7跟着英特尔的节奏升级到了10代酷睿处理器,另外的一个看点则是增加了USB Type-C接口。10月4日,微软Surface Pro 7在中国市场正式上市,价格为578...
Abstract: 微软Surface Pro 7好用吗?今天10月份,微软在纽约发布了6款Surface设备,除了惊艳的双屏电脑Surface Neo以及传说中的“Surface Phone”以不一样的形态和消费者见面之外,升级版的微软Surface Pro 7也是本次发布会的最大看点之一。今天小编为大家带来了微软Surface Pro 7详细的评测,感兴趣的朋友快来了解一下吧。10月4日,微软Surface Pro 7在中国市场正式上市,价格为5788元起。第一部分:体验评测外观不变,USB Type-C...
Abstract: Surface Pro 7内部做工如何?近日微软推出了全新的Surface Pro 7,起价为749美元,那么Surface Pro 7内部结构如何,值得买吗?下面就来看看iFixit拆解的Surface Pro 7了解下吧。在拆解Surface Pro X和Surface Laptop 3之后,iFixit现在拆解了Surface Pro 7。Surface Pro 7的设计与之前的产品相似,仅获得10分中的1分得分。之所以分数很低,是因为事实上,拆卸Surface Pro 7设备确实很困难。...
作为常规迭代策略的产物,Surface Pro7很显然不是能够带给我们惊喜的一代产品。但10nm的10代酷睿和软粉们期待许久的Type-C接口都如约而至,也很难让我们有任何失望的情绪在里面。总而言之,这一代的Surface Pro 7显得十分本分,立足于完成平台迭代和补足接口短板,整体上还是值得肯定的。但这也意味着我们对于Surface Pro“大变身”的期待又要再持续一年了。购买建议的话,如果预算足够,建议尽可能选择容量256GB以上的版本,本文评测的酷睿i5+8GB+256GB版本目前售价为8988元...
Abstract: Surface Pro 7怎么样?性能如何?值得入手吗?下面小编带来Surface Pro 7详细评测,希望对大家有所帮助。Surface Pro 7详细评测:一、前言:Surface Pro 7有哪些进化Surface曾经是一个比较尴尬的存在,2012年初代Surface发布的时候,有二个型号。其一使用ARM处理器的Surface RT,虽然使用的是外表与Windows 8一模一样的Windows RT操作系统,但是却不能运行任何X86应用程序。这件事曾经遭到消费者集体维权,毕竟这个世界上能...
:依然是最好的二合一产品从最初的Surface RT到今天的Surface Pro 7,微软一直在努力地通过这个系列来跟大家证明Windows在平板设备上的可行性。正如微软所愿,经过多年迭代升级,这款本来定向于平板电脑的设备逐渐变得越来越像一台正儿八经的笔记本电脑。升级后的Surface Pro 7硬件性能有了进一步的提升,英特尔10nm处理器和USB Type-C接口的加入巩固了Surface Pro系列在同类产品中的地位。外观设计虽然是目前设备与设备间所竞争的主战场,但这部分似乎仍不是微软想加入竞争的...