Reviews of Oculus Rift S have collected 53 expert reviews of the Oculus Rift S and the average rating is 78%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Oculus Rift S.
May 2019
The editors liked Easy to setup No external sensors to configure Space for glasses Crystal clear display Oculus Insight tracking is brilliant Light and comfortable controllers Oculus Home software offers a console-like experience Accurate motion tracking for both headset and controllers Full software library Easy to set up Better resolution than the original Rift No need for base stations and the accompanying cord clutter Most comfortable VR headset on the market Smart Comfortable design Sharp Gorgeous display Wide selection of games and apps Affordable Visual improvements Easy setup Comfortable Improved tracking Insight tracking is a great upgrade Supports promising Exclusive Oculus games Touch controllers are still good Comfortable for its weight Built in tracking works well Sharper resolution than the Rift Halo headstrap is comfortable and secure Great motion controllers Exceptional image quality Super comfortable Very user-friendlyExceptionally comfortable Incredibly immersive Tons of interactivenessHighly interactive ComfortableVery immersive Highly interactiveGreat value Easy to use Highly Inside
The editors didn't like No hardware IPD adjustment Non-removable cushions Built-in speakers don't replace headphones Awful contrast ratio Controller battery door is a huge problem No wireless option "Halo" headstrap won't work for everyone No physical IPD adjustment DisplayPort-only No HDMI Still uses a physical cable to connect to a PC Lower resolution than the Oculus Quest SteamVR requires tinkering to use Display ditches AMOLED for LCD Inside-out tracking means less accuracy for controllers in particular Still wired to the PC Controllers could be more ergonomic Oculus app is still too basic Poor integrated audio Limited IPD adjustment Lower refresh rate Not much of a screen resolution bump Some changes more like trade-offs than upgrades Clunky Utilitarian design Still tethered to a gaming PC Not a significant upgrade over the Rift overall Design and build quality is noticeably worse than Rift and Quest Quest has higher resolution displays Tether can be finickyExorbitantly expensiveExpensive Difficult setup processNot the most comfortable Could be easier to set upCan't handle high-end games Could be more comfortable Lower fidelity than highend headsets
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Published: 2019-03-22, Author: 编辑 , review by:
Abstract: 今天,在游戏开发者大会 GDC 2019 展会上,Oculus 推出了新一代的 Rift VR 头盔——Oculus Rift S,而以 S 作为后缀来命名,从某种层面上来看,也印证了它只是一款小幅升级的产品。不过,与上一代 Oculus Rift 相比,Oculus Rift S 仍有着不少的提升。首先是屏幕,Oculus Rift S 直接将上一代 Rift 两块共计 2160 x 1200 分辨率的 OLED 面板升级为单独一块 2560 x1440 分辨率的 LCD 面板,总像素量提升了大...
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Abstract: 2016年に発売されたVRヘッドセット「Oculus Rift」。この機種と共にPC向けVRが始まったといっても過言ではないだろう。同時期に発売された「HTC Vive」と、しのぎを削っての争いとなっていたが、業界的な注目度としてはHTC Viveのほうに分があるように思えた。しかし、2018年5月に低価格なVRデバイスである「Oculus Go」を発売したことに加え、2018年12月に「Oculus Quest」が発表されてからは、Oculusシリーズが息を吹き返したようにも感じる。このような流れの中、...
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Abstract: 오큘러스는 PC 기반 가상현실 기기를 아직 포기하지 않았다. 첫 오큘러스 리프트가 출시된 후 3년 동안 아무런 소식이 없었으니 사람들이 오큘러스의 의중에 대해 의구심을 갖는다 해도 이상할 것은 없다. 게다가 지난 1년 반 동안에는 독립형 헤드셋인 오큘러스 퀘스트(Oculus Quest)에 대한 소식만 계속 나왔다. 그러나 오큘러스는 올 봄, 두 개의 헤드셋을 출시한다. 지난주 GDC에서 발표된 오큘러스 리프트 S는 퀘스트의 PC판이라고 할 수 있으며 리...
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