Reviews of Archos Gamepad |
| have collected 51 expert reviews of the Archos Gamepad and the average rating is 62%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Archos Gamepad.
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- Android
- Archos
- Handhelds
- Mobile gaming
- Tablets
- Videogames
The editors didn't like- Thumbsticks? More like dumbsticks. Controlmapping can be cumbersome
- And you can't map screenswipes. Nonremovable battery offers soso battery life
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Reviews page 6 of 6 |
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- Bộ xử lý hiệu năng cao, Phím bấm hỗ trợ chơi game thuận tiện, Ngõ cắm mini HMDI kết nối tivi
- Màn hình không đẹp, Khó thay pin, Ứng dụng phím bấm chưa ổn định
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