Testseek.com have collected 180 expert reviews of the Microsoft Xbox One S and the average rating is 80%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Microsoft Xbox One S.
August 2016
180 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
792 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
Less expensive than the Xbox One S and just as capable for gaming
Can stream 4K HDR media
Nearly flawless as an Ultra HD Blu-ray player (in terms of video quality
That is)
Can stream 4K video from the internet
HDMI input for connecting and controlling a set-top box
The Xbox One S is a slick looking game console that's 40 percent smaller than the original and ditches the infamously gigantic power brick. It can display 4K video from streaming services and Ultra HD Blu-rays
And supports HDR contrast on video and games
Massive 2 TB Launch Edition should store most of your games
Its 4K
HDR capabilities are perfect for the 4K generation
Space savings with no apparent cooling issues
Diverse Multimedia Options
4K Blu-ray Player
Xbox Game Pass
Sleeker chassis
Available with 2TB of storage
Can stream 4K content
HDR support for videos and games
Smartly redesigned controller
Looks great
4K and HDR support
Fantastic design
New controller is great
Stylish heat vent
Good selection of games
Backwards compatibility
Reasonably sized - far smaller than Xbox One
Controller further perfected over Xbox One
Plays all Xbox One games
4K video output
Ultra HD gaming upscaling
Can play games
Built-in 4K Blu-Ray Player
1TB storage
Supports High Dynamic Range
Xbox Game Pass is an awesome deal
Price point
HDR gaming
UHD Blu-ray drive
Some apps support 4K/HDR streaming
Excellent controller
The only game console with a UHD Blu-ray drive for 4K movie playback
Refined design
Very quiet and very small
Excellent pack-in gamepad
Excellent design
New controller is more user friendly
4K video playback
Streaming from Netflix
HDR gaming and video support
4K upscaling of 1080p games
The editors didn't like
Can't play Ultra HD Blu-rays
Or disc-based games
Just as large as the regular Xbox One S
Doens't support high-definition audio codecs such as Dolby TrueHD
Conventional media remote control costs extra
Loads discs slower than dedicated UHD Blu-ray players
Ultra HD Blu-ray and HDR settings only work with newer TVs
And may require some trial and error. The updated controller feels cheaper than its predecessor. Project Scorpio
The more powerful Xbox One successor
Arrives in late 2017
Without a 4K TV
One S advantages go away
Attaching the stand feels permanent
Even if it isn't
Next-gen Project Scorpio is little more than a year away
Lacking in power
Weakest exclusive lineup
Can't play games in 4K
No SSD option
Might be better to wait for Project Scorpio
Insecure stand
Slow OS
True 4K gaming isn't quite here yet
Kinect needs adapter to connect
Not a replacement for Xbox One (that'll come next year)
Games aren't in true 4K
Only one frontal USB port
Requires an adapter for Kinect to work
Upscales to 4K
Not natively
User interface is a nightmare
Full HD resolution in games (upscaled to 4K)
Still relatively high power consumption for streaming
Not as powerful as PS4 Pro
Still lacks 4K/HDR in several apps
4K streaming apps and 4K Blu-ray playback don't work out of the box
HDR video for gaming won't be available until this fall
Abstract: 2016年11月25日,微软今日正式引进Xbox One S国行版,将于11月25日至11月30在在微软官方商城、京东商城微软旗舰店限时独卖,售价2699元人民币。12月1日起其他Xbox销售渠道也将开始售卖。Xbox One S 500G版售价人民币2399元,上市正在准备中。下面就详情来看看配置参数如何吧!纤毫毕现,全新轻巧机体蕴含强劲性能微软Xbox One S遵循极简的设计美学理念,通体以机械白为主色;点、线为主的设计元素也使Xbox One S拥有独特的现代感与十足的科技感。相比前一...
决定因素还是在游戏本身。Xbox阵营的游戏不外乎“枪车球”这几大主题,因此你在购买之前应该考虑自己是否喜欢这些类型的游戏。如果你对这些游戏感兴趣,并且还未购买Xbox O ne,那Xbox O ne S显然是比原版更好的选择。如果你等不及要体验4K蓝光,或是发挥新电视在HDR方面的功能,那Xbox O ne S也是目前最好的选择。TechRadarXbox O ne S是针对现有机型一次聪明的升级,至于消费者是否会买账,那就是另一回事了。如果你已经在考虑购买Xbox O ne了,那可以不假思索直接购买它。...
Abstract: 微软Xbox One S游戏机目前已经小范围开卖。按照微软的说法,新机不仅仅做到了外观的小型化,而且还在性能方面有进一步提升,游戏体验比Xbox One更加流畅。那么真的是这样吗?近日,外媒Eurogamer就对Xbox One S和Xbox One的游戏性能进行了一番对比。最终发现,Xbox One S的确较Xbox One有所提升,但幅度有限,大约6%-7%左右。硬件方面,Xbox One S和Xbox One CPU都是一样的,都采用了AMD的8核心CPU,主频都是1.75GHz。但不同的地方在于G...
Abstract: 昨天微软新一代游戏主机Xbox One S在美国地区接受预订,知名维修团队iFixit率先获得了真机,在拆解过程中他们发现Xbox One S易于维修,而最大的难题就是硬盘,不仅需要一些“特殊的高级技巧”,而且一旦拆解就意味着失去保修。最终iFixit为Xbox One S打上了8分的成绩,在总分为10分的电子设备排行中是蛮高的分数。在打开Xbox One S之后,模块化设计能够让用户非常轻松的进行维修更换。iFixit表示在内部设计上相比较Xbox One更少的使用联锁的机身面板和更方便的元件布局。而扣...
Abstract: 根据测试中收集到的数据,Xbox One S的GPU频率达到了914MHz,比Xbox One的853MHz提升了7.1%,显存带宽也提升到了218GB/秒。的确,在运行某些游戏的时候你可能看不到什么差别,不过另外一部分游戏的运行速度就获得了显著的提升。Xbox One S的GPU因为使用了一种新的支持4K、HDR游戏的系统级芯片,“超频”也获得了增强。根据微软的说法,提升显芯频率对支持GameDVR上实时非HDR的产品的截图、运行、播放很有必要。微软原本可以在非HDR的产品上禁用这个功能,不过最...
Abstract: 微软旗下支持4K视频播放的新主机Xbox One S已经在今天发售,外媒也对这台新主机进行了测试,让我们来看看它的性能如何。根据测试中收集到的数据,Xbox One S的GPU频率达到了914MHz,比Xbox One的853MHz提升了7.1%,显存带宽也提升到了218GB/秒。的确,在运行某些游戏的时候你可能看不到什么差别,不过另外一部分游戏的运行速度就获得了显著的提升。Xbox One S的GPU因为使用了一种新的支持4K、HDR游戏的系统级芯片,“超频”也获得了增强。根据微软的说法,提升显芯频率对...
Abstract: 圖為 Xbox One S (圖/翻攝自微軟官網) Sony、微軟次世代遊戲主機都因晶片荒大缺貨,玩家苦喊買不到,對此前者選擇持續生產前一代的 PS4,以滿足部分玩家的遊戲需求,微軟今日(14)則做出了不一樣的決定。 根據外媒 《The Verge》 報導,微軟證實早已經在 2020 年底正式停產 Xbox One 主機,市場現貨將是賣完為止,將會專注於眼前的的 Xbox Series S/X 生產。作為對比, 《彭博社》 指出 Sony 仍將會在今年生產 100 萬台 PS4。 請繼續往下閱讀. 綜...
Abstract: 圖為 Xbox One S (圖/翻攝自微軟官網) 微軟稍早在 官方文件 透露,計畫提供軟體更新,讓自家的 Xbox 舊主機用戶,也能透過雲端服務體驗最新遊戲,藉此延長 Xbox One 系列這些舊主機的使用週期,包括原先只支援 Xbox Series X / S 兩款最新主機的獨佔大作。 整體來說,這項作法也是延續微軟在手機、平板及 PC 裝置的策略,讓玩家透過 Xbox Game Pass,以及目前仍是 Beta 版「Xbox Cloud Gaming」體驗各類大作。 請繼續往下閱讀. 這批新的雲...
Abstract: 雖然微軟對於下一代 Xbox 遊戲機還未公布任何計畫或是細節,不過微軟先前卻大膽的推出一款取消光碟機的 Xbox One S ,稱為 Xbox One S All Digital Edition ,以全數位下載方式作為使用內容的唯一方式,這次也簡單對這款全數位版本主機進行開箱介紹,並簡單分享一些對於全數位發行的想法。Xbox One S All Digital Edition 從名稱就可得知是基於 Xbox One S 作為基礎機種,外觀設計與 Xbox One S 幾乎是一樣,不過在光碟...