Can now connect to high-security wireless networks
Still plays all DS games
Adds two larger screens
Two 0.3-megapixel cameras
A bit thinner than the DS Lite
Exclusive access to the DSi Shop for downloadable games and applications.
Office easily
And worked fairly flawlessly with Nintendo's USB dongle too
256 MB of onboard memory gives you a little bit of space to store these apps
But hardcore players will undoubtedly need more. An SD card slot on the side of the unit lets you inc
Digital photo manipulation
Rudimentary sound editing
Download store
The editors didn't like
3 Model Matches
Battery life 4 hours shorter
Available only in Japan
For now
No GBA port
Internal storage of only 256 MB
Not compatible with GameBoy Advance titles
Graphics are average
Shorter battery life than predecessors
Too expensive- Networking still a dog- DSi Store needs apps! Image source
DS games look a little fuzzy
Camera is pretty low quality and no GBA slot.Overall
An upgrade of one of the best handheld systems that includes both past-due and redundant features. Nintendo has ruled the handheld market for quit a while
Producing two o...
Removal of Gameboy Advance slot
Low-quality cameras
More expensive
Less battery life
No Game Boy Advance slot. Small library of downloadable games.
More expensive than the DS Lite
Wireless access is still a pain despite improvements
Cameras are a waste at the moment
No longer supports Game Boy Advance games
Lower battery life than its predecessor
Internet security settings are buried and confusing.
Can't run games off the SD card slot. No more Game Boy Advance port. Web browser about as fast as a cement truck with four flat tires
Abstract: Nintendo trötet zur dritten Runde. Nach Ur-DS und DS Lite kraxelt nun der DSi in die Händlerregale und wartet darauf, ahnungslosen Kunden in die Tasche zu springen. Wir haben uns angeschaut, was die kleine Kiste zu bieten hat. ...
ICH BIN GESPANNTSelbst mit den wenigen Features, die Nintendo schon vor der offiziellen Premiere des DSi am 3. April freigeschaltet hat, kann man sich geraume Zeit beschäftigen. Ich sehe schon, wie sich Kids und Teens gegenseitig fotografieren, digita...
Nintendos DSi hat uns richtig gut gefallen. Die sauber verarbeitete Hardware, die sinnvollen Softwarezugaben, die Zukunftsfähigkeit dank der Internetfunktionen und nicht zuletzt der Umstand, dass der Nintendo DSi auch im WPA-verschlüsselten WLAN genutz...
Duas câmeras e software para mais diversão, Pode ser usado para reproduzir música, Gravação de áudio, Excelente nova interface, Suporte a WPA, Loja DSi, Pode executar uma grande seleção de jogos DS, Bateria substituível
Atualmente, os jogos podem ser executados somente a partir da memória interna, Os clipes de áudio são limitados a 10 segundos, As imagens não podem ser facilmente enviadas por email ou publicadas online, O suporte a WPA não permite jogar online, Suporta s
Com duas câmeras, um slot para cartão de memória, um reprodutor de música, um processador mais rápido, uma loja online DSi e melhor conectividade de Internet sem fio, a Nintendo acrescentou bastante recursos ao seu dispositivo portátil...
Abstract: Det sägs att DSi sålde riktigt bra i Storbritannien och rapporter från butiker i Sverige tyder på att det gick bra även här. Men är den verkligen värt pengarna (runt 2200 kronor)? Och för vem är den egentligen skapad?...
Abstract: Nintendo DSi är en mycket fin och imponerande uppdatering av en redan bra produkt. Testarna anser dock att det inte är något måste för den som redan äger en Nintendo DS Lite.