Abstract: Puzzle games are my favorite genre for handhelds -- the simple gameplay concepts and streamlined graphics are perfect fits for portable platforms -- so I'm always looking for new titles to add to my library. Soul Bubbles' is reminiscent of critical-fav...
An ingenious and enjoyable action-puzzler that puts the DS stylus to good use. Perhaps the puzzles don't ramp up in difficulty quite enough, but maybe that helps make it the perfect game for lazy summer days....
Abstract: Next month Eidos will release Soul Bubbles, a cute and clever action game that puts players to task in floating bubbles through hazardous, treacherous side-scrolling locations. Weve been able to get a good hands-on session with the final version of th...
Abstract: An introductory "disclaimer" screen warns Soul Bubbles players that the game does not depict licensed racing cars, post-apocalyptic soldiers, gang fights, elfs, orcs or magicians. The developers advise: "Please do not panic!" It certainly would be a s...
Abstract: Soul Bubbles is a simple game with a simple premise. All you’ve got to do is move bubbles from one end of a maze to the other, keeping the souls safe inside as you venture through. In principle it’s a game that could have existed on many platforms over...
Abstract: Youve got to love a game which starts up with a faux disclaimer reading: "This game does not depict any of the following: licensed racing cars, post-apocalyptic soldiers, elves, orcs or gang fights� Please do not panic � its all gonna be hunky do...
Beautiful, inventive and original, this puzzler is well worth a pop.8.3/10Print this pageUser reviews (0)Share this pageNoticed something wrong? Report error/mistake....
Abstract: Om jag hade svaret på följande fråga skulle jag troligen kunna bli en mycket rik man. Vad är det som gör att man blir blixtförälskad i något innan man ens har haft en teknisk möjlighet att kunna avgöra om...