Published: 2017-10-10, Author: Simon , review by:
Abstract: In the early-noughties the beloved proprietor of the only shop in my grandmother's South Devon village died unexpectedly. While the villagers mourned, a question loomed: who would sell the eggs, order the newspapers, and chat with the lonely now that he w...
Published: 2020-08-06, Author: Max , review by:
Abstract: Most games hang their hats on their stories or feats of button-dancing reflexes, but the humble simulation has always had a place at the table. And there are many weirdly specific and joyfully banal simulation games out there. The early days of PC gaming...
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Published: 2018-08-08, Author: Miranda , review by:
Stardew Valley is a beautiful, fun game that, when all of its parts are pulled together, make for a wonderful countryside adventure. Whether it's rainy, sunny, snowy, or dusted with pollen drifts through the air, each day offers an abundance of great acti...
Blend of genres, Complex characters, Plenty to do, Lots of secrets
Limited social system
After dozens of hours, I'm nowhere near done with everything in Stardew Valley. One note I found on my farm promised an important event in my third year, I still don't know what's at the bottom of the mine, and I need to figure out who I want to marry. Wi...
Published: 2018-08-08, Author: Miranda , review by:
Stardew Valley is a beautiful, fun game that, when all of its parts are pulled together, make for a wonderful countryside adventure. Whether it's rainy, sunny, snowy, or dusted with pollen drifts through the air, each day offers an abundance of great acti...
Abstract: It is hard to call Stardew Valley merely an open-world farming simulator even though that is what it is.This is because the game's quiet appeal lies not just in planting and harvesting crops, but also in engaging with a world of unique characters, buildin...
Une bouffée d'air frais, Une richesse incommensurable, Des bases solides que les fans d'Harvest Moon apprécieront particulièrement, Addictif au possible, Des activités variées
Toujours pas de traduction française, La manette beaucoup moins pratique que le combo clavier/souris
Etant un grand amateur des Rune Factory, Stardew Valley m'a fait de l'oeil et je n'ai pas été déçu. C'est simple, on est posé devant son écran à ne pas voir le temps passer dans son petit coin de campagne virtuel. C'est le moment détente et sans prise de...
Abstract: Besondere Reportagen, Analysen und Hintergründe für Rollenspiel-Helden, Hobbygeneräle und Singleplayer-Fans – von Experten, die wissen, was gespielt wird. Deine Vorteile:Der in Kalifornien verbreitete Küstenmammutbaum kann über 110 Meter gen Himmel sprieß...
Enormer Umfang, Sehr abwechslungsreich, Hoher Wiederspielwert, Stimmige Präsentation
Anfänglicher Fortschritt bedarf etwas Zeit, (Bislang) komplett in Englisch
"Stardew Valley" mutet auf den ersten Blick wie ein recht einfach gehaltener Indie-Titel an, entpuppt sich aber schon nach den ersten Stunden als überraschend facettenreich und lässt dem Spieler eine Fülle an Möglichkeiten wie man die Handlung schreibt. H...