Abstract: When we receive Sony titles at the NZGamer office we're initially overrun with a little bias. This isn't because we've allied ourselves with the Sony Defense Force but moreso due to the way Sony provide the press with their games. To put it simply, the...
Abstract: What exactly goes into a great handheld game? A bit of everything. Patapon combines little pieces of gameplay from very different genres: rhythm-action, strategy, and role-playing. What emerges is a game that is far greater than the sum of its parts. E...
Unique combat system, Great design, Amazing concept, Well implemented RPG/RTS elements
No replay value, Tends to get repetitive
Patapon is a weird hybrid of a real-time strategy and a rhythm game; it’s most outstanding feature is the way it blurs the line between the two vastly different genres, forming a union that feels both natural and profound to the point that...
Abstract: Ancient times used drums to signal people to warfare or to hide. The drums have been long forgotten - that's until of course, today.From the creators of one of the most addicting games in the PSP, comes by which tells the chronicles of a small tribe ...
Abstract: I THOUGHT that the Pokemon makers switched camps when I first saw Patapon.After all, the main characters, also called Patapon, are cute tribal critters with eyes for bodies, much like the Pokemon named Unown.But play the game a little, and youll find ...
Abstract: Testarna gillar blandningen av det gulliga och det rent strategiska i detta spel, som kräver mer koncentration och skicklighet än man först kan tro.
Abstract: Små jättearga stressade soldater hetsas in i strid av en recensent som desperat försöker hålla takten. Love har testat ett vackert spel med oväntat mycket djup bakom ytan
Abstract: Patapon handlar om en stam små varelser som dyrkar en helig trumma. Figurerna liknar ”huvudfotingar” som små barn brukar rita, med den skillnaden att de består av ett stort öga med ben och armar. Bildspråkets enkelhet och figurernas pipiga små röster...