Following the success of the animated film by the same name, Activision released this humorous game. As with all "film to game" endeavors, the question asked is whether this one can stand up on its own. So come check out the pros and cons and decide f...
Published: 2008-07-11, Author: Dan , review by:
Abstract: Kung Fu Panda on the Xbox 360 brilliantly captures the look and feel of the movie that its based on; the problem is that its shallow, repetitive, and only slightly longer than the source material. The game is intended primarily for those who have see...
Abstract: Luxoflux didn’t develop Kung Fu Panda in a vacuum. You can tell that they love video games -- paying attention to beat ‘em ups in particular -- and have scrawled some useful notes along the way. There are echoes of God of War in their quick time events...
Abstract: The summer is in full swing so we can fully expect that most of the blockbuster movies are going to get horrible-to-mediocre games to coincide with these Hollywood releases. One of the latest of these is Kung Fu Panda, the game adaptation of Dreamwork...
Abstract: Only hours before I sat down to write this review I took my 5-year old daughter to see the Kung Fu Panda movie. Visually, as with pretty much all Dreamworks movie’s, Kung Fu Panda is top notch in the animation department. As for the game, Kung Fu Pa...
Abstract: There are certainly worse movie-to-game titles, but this one does a decent job of having some fun and providing a coherent story, along with decent gameplay. If your kids bug you to get this game, rest assured they will not tire of it quickly, there is...
It’s not often a video game can get me excited about a film, but I can honestly say I am now looking forward to watching Kung Fu Panda when it hits theaters this Friday. Meanwhile, I can’t recommend Kung Fu Panda, the video game, highly enough...
Abstract: From what I've seen, Kung Fu Panda is going to be a heartwarming tale of how a wannabe Panda becomes a Kung Fu legend. It looks like one of those family-friendly, heartwarming tales that'll make even the hardest hearted person feel all mushy inside. T...