The editors liked Crisp Clear audio Excellent wireless charging case design Solid mic clarity Hands-free Siri access Easy pairing Lightweight Comfortable design Faster connection on iOS devices Hands-free Siri integration Good audio quality The second-generation AirPods add a couple of small but key improvements to the original Including always-on voice recognition and a wireless charging case option. They're a top-notch headset for making calls Indoors and out. Apple's new H1 chip also al Improved internals Wireless charging support Slightly longer battery life (for talk time) Hands-free 'Hey Siri' voice controls Faster switching between Apple devices Optional wireless charging case Handsfree 'Hey Siri' Excellent comfort and ease of use Convenience remains king Battery life improvements are noticeable Connects faster and with more stability Wireless charging is useful Excellent wireless performance and reliability Great ease of use and setup Reliable battery life Can easily recharge battery case with wireless pad Unrivaled comfort Extremely compact Good battery life Wireless charging Battery life Long range Quick pairing Wireless charging optional Improved wireless performance Same solid battery life Supports wireless charging if you're into that
The editors didn't like Limited on-ear controls In-ear fit and lack of canal seal can feel loose and impact audio No IP rating for water resistance Expensive Limited controls No equalizer Lacks ambient listening mode No design changes to help them fit more ears securely Their sound hasn't improved And their open design allows for a lot of ambient noise to leak in Design remains the same No sound quality improvements Wireless charging case version costs an extra $40 No improvements to battery life for music Sound quality is just okay The best features only work with Apple devices Still no active noise cancellation Siri requires a data connection to work No waterproofing Won't stay in everyone's ears Doesn't block external sound well Cannot connect to two devices at the same time “Hey Siri” voice response is slow Sound quality could be better Checking exact battery levels is a hassle Wireless charging is going to cost you In-ear fit isn't for everyone No meaningful change to sound quality Wireless charging is slow
Reviews page 13 of 17
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Abstract: 时隔两年半,AirPods第二代终于来了!没有安排发布会,它就静悄悄地出现在了货架上,由此能够看出苹果对于AirPods第二代无比的信心—我就什么也不说,你们也会来买。回想两年前的AirPods1,当时热度最高的的不是划时代的W1芯片,而是高昂的售价,以及其与有线耳机EarPods相似的外型。一时间,AirPods的梗图充斥着整个网络,大家似乎也喜闻乐见。时过境迁,这样的现象在网络上比比皆是:-“求推荐一款蓝牙耳机。”-“AirPods。”-“有其他推荐吗?”-“其他都差点...
Published: 2019-04-01, Author: 张浩 , review by:
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下 H1芯片与iOS生态加成,产生了更多想不到的结果。 新AirPods能让人感知最明显的改进是“嘿 Siri” 。而这点,恰好是我自己一周前写AirPods二代新闻时候最不屑的一行字。但用了几小时才明白,正是它激活了以前鸡肋的功能,让AirPods的使用场景拓展到更远了,在你双手不便的时候(例如开车场景),再也不用声嘶力竭地喊iPhone启动Siri了。完全专注于硬件升级而不是设计 AirPods发布两年,依然无对手,核心竞争力正是自研的芯片。今年的H1能让AirPods在外观几乎无改动的状态下继...
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Published: 2019-03-29, Author: 汐元 , review by:
1新款充电收纳盒呼吸指示灯从内部挪到了外部,这样你就更容易看到电量情况了。关键是,新款的充电盒加入了无线充电的功能,所以呼吸指示灯放在外面,你才可以直接看到电量有没有充满。2第二个不同点还是在充电盒上。新款充电盒背部的手动配对按钮,从原来的下方移到了中部。这个改动的目的是什么呢?启人觉得,应该没什么目的,主要原因可能是加入无线充电模块后,内部结构出现了改变吧。3前面已经说过了,新款AirPods有无线充电版的充电盒,是支持无线充电滴~4新款AirPods耳机内部从W1芯片升级到H1芯片,支持Hey Sir...
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Published: 2019-03-28, Author: 高级编辑 , review by:
AirPods 能流行起来的原因并不单只是因为它是一个潮品,在另一方面,是因为它是目前和苹果设备使用体验最好的无线耳机,那种轻量、高效、在设备间无缝切换的方便,或许就是它至今仍没遇到对手的原因所在。本文作者:陈文俊、梁梦麟;肖钦鹏对本文亦有贡献...
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以及购买建议哦对了,这次为了能彻底的体验全新的AirPods,我们多花了320软妹币购买了1599的带无线充电盒版本,实际使用下来发现除了刚拿到手酷炫一点并没有什么使用优势,相较于无线充电,有线充电更快也更稳定,并且因为耳机盒是蓄电用来充耳机的,其实整个New AirPods的充电频率并不高,大约3到4天才充一次,不必要为了省这点插充电线的功夫而多花300多。更何况你出门旅游出差啥的,总不能带个无线充电板出门吧?就国内目前公共无线充电服务的普及程度,你出门在外没电了,不还得拿出你的iPhone数据线,插充...
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其实,时隔2年多的AirPods更新与时隔4年多iPad Mini的更新,视乎都是一套逻辑,让用户产生很有诚意的“错觉”。有诚意吧,确实,两个产品线都在SOC部分做出了一次大提升,但本质的功能性上却没有更大的突破。而我们从这一次苹果春季新品发布会整个过程也可窥瞰一些信息,新硬件全部都在发布会之前官方自曝,发布会更多是集中在流媒体、软件服务类。是转型?还是因为硬件创新出现颓势?我们谁也说不清。而在我看来,硬件升级里,iMac的升级像是[例行公事];iPad air和iPad mini的升级像是[性价比]。A...
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Abstract: 2016年9月的苹果新品发布会,伴随着iPhone7/7P的发布,iPhone系列正式开启“无”耳机孔之路。与此同时,苹果给出了无线耳机的官方解决方案—第一代AirPods。而自发布以来,AirPods一直以来是我们行业里不得不多说两句的存在,自带热点属性,争议颇多;时不时还要被友商的TWS新品“吊打”。即便这样,一代AirPods所拥有的良好(改成优秀也不为过)体验,依然让其成为了口碑最好的苹果产品。如今,大家期盼的AirPods2出现在了大家眼前,并支持现货购买No Play Monkey,发售价...
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Published: 2019-03-22, Author: 资深编辑 , review by:
Abstract: 新 AirPods 悄声无息地上架了,用苹果官方的话说,这是一款让很多人「 心心念念 」的设备。表面上看,更新后的 AirPods 外观和 3 年前那款初代基本没有差别,很多人以为苹果只是套了个新的无线充电壳,却忽略了来自耳机内部的芯片差异。和初代 AirPods 搭载的 W1 芯片不同,新上架的 AirPods 均搭载了名为 H1 的芯片,这也是苹果首次为耳机产品研发的芯片组。事实上,这颗芯片才是本次新 AirPods 最重要的升级部分,也和多项实际使用体验有着明显关系:1. 加入对...
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在众多全面屏手机中,苹果的iPhone X走出了自己不同的风采,刘海更是标新日益。有褒有贬,尽在人们审美观。以上有些配件也根据iPhone X独特设计也进行了改良或者创新,相信这些配件有些很实用有些很逼格,更能衬托出您的iPhone X高贵。...
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