Testseek.com have collected 56 expert reviews of the Bowers & Wilkins P7 Wireless and the average rating is 84%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Bowers & Wilkins P7 Wireless.
December 2013
56 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
0 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
Superb sound quality without the wires
And comfortable
Plenty of range
Foldable design
Can also be used in a wired configuration
Risk-free trial with free 60 day returns
Amazing sound
Fancy-looking (though not for everyone)
Luxurious design
Great build quality with premium materials
Delivers a full and rich sound
Low and mid-range presence
Superb audio with strong bass and balanced mids and highs
Excellent battery life
Top-notch premium build quality that exudes luxury and durability
Excellent (passive) noise isolation
Folds for easier storing when traveling
Work as wired headphones
Gorgeous combination of aluminum and sheepskin leather creates a pair of luxurious headphones
Sound through the headphones is excellent
Calls made through the headphones sound great
You can pair the headphones to multiple devices for easy listening
Outstanding sound quality
Truly portable
Luxury build
Very comfortable
Vibrant audio performance with excellent bass response and clarity in the highs
Includes a cable for passive listening
The fit and finish of the P7 Wireless headphones are Applelikeas they should be
Since Apple sells them right next to their laptops
And phones in the Apple Store
The P7 Wireless headphones are very
The P7 can resolve microdet
And detailed
With or without wires
Brilliant industrial design
With a luxurious look and feel
Outstanding noise isolation
Aluminum frame
Sheepskin leather
And memory foam
Highly enjoyable
Bass-rich sound signature
Battery lasts a long time and doesn't add noticeably to the weight
They sound their best under the worst listening conditions
The Bowers & Wilkins P7 Wireless offers impressive build quality
Good comfort and smooth
Rich sound in an over-the-ear headphone design that shuts out a lot of external noise. Wireless operation is nearly flawless
Battery life is good and a premium car
Outstanding Design
Sound quality
Optional wired listening
Convenience of Bluetooth
Better sound than original P7
Beautiful craftsmanship and design
Great 17 hour battery life
The editors didn't like
A brushed aluminum or stainless steel look on the metal parts instead of chrome
Small feature set
No active noise cancellation
Bass is excessive for my taste
Soundstage and treble sound are restricted
Uncomfortable for long-term wearing
The Bowers & Wilkins P7 is on sale on Amazon for $399. This is a great choice for bass lovers but you should try it before buying because it m
Cable lacks an inline mic for making calls
Bulky size means its style might not be for everyone
Strong bass isn't for everyone's audio tastes either
Prev2 of 2Next
Headphones do not turn pause music when you remove them
Bluetooth audio can't quite match non-Bluetooth headphones
Very expensive
Headband can feel a tad uncomfortable on long listening periods
Cable has no inline remote or mic
Bowers & Wilkins' traditional speakers are not voiced to have this much bass. For hiphop and bigbass music like some of what I played above
It's fine. I was expecting a drier
Tighter presentation
But then again these headphones aren't being sold to aud
There can be a little too much bass at times
Tight headband requires some break-in time
No inline remote on the cable (when you want a wired connection)
Fit is tight enough to be fatiguing after an hour's use
Bluetooth connection can be unreliable
Pricey for a set of fun cans
They sound their best under the worst listening conditions
Stylish, comfortable design, Superb audio performance, Easy to use and live with
Nothing worth noting
B&W has never made a disappointing pair of headphones yet, and the P7 Wireless aren't going to buck the trend. In fact they're absolutely excellent P7, setting a lofty standard that rivals in this price range will struggle to emulate.B&W has built a pair...
Exceptional audio performance for a pair of wireless headphones. Very comfortable to wear, and for a long period of time. Bluetooth connection was very reliable, even beyond the regular 10m range. Proven battery life of 17-19 hours on average volume
Lacking most popular features – even common features like an App or Multipoint pairing, Score: 4/5 (26.64%), Price, Score: 3/5 (19.98%), Final Score, 7.5/10, audioB&WBowers and WilkinsP7 Wireless
B&W might be pitching the P7 Wireless as a means for audiophiles to explore going wireless, and still enjoy a reliable pair of well-crafted, classy cans with a highly musical sound. In short, I like these headphones, and I want them.But I'll have to save...
La qualité de fabrication impressionnante, le confort, le son riche et doux, la conception circum aural qui isole du bruit, l'autonomie, la connexion sans fil stable, le boitier de transport, le mode mainslibres efficace
Un peu lourd, le son que certains trouverons peutêtre pas assez pêchu
Le P7 Wireless de Bowers & Wilkins est un excellent casque sans fil qui a le design, le confort et le son d'un modèle haut de gamme...
Qualité de fabrication, confort, Son très doux, aucun risque de fatigue auditive, Propreté du son en filaire
Manque de texture et de détails sonores, Basses un peu traînantes, Léger bruit de fond inamovible en Bluetooth, Ergonomie un peu élémentaire
Sagesse extrême que celle du P7 Wireless de Bowers & Wilkins, parfois dans le bon sens du terme, parfois pas. On aurait aimé une ergonomie un peu plus évoluée, et des performances sonores un peu moins ronronnantes. Ces dernières ont toutefois leur charme...
Serre les oreilles, Basses parfois un peu trop présentes
Ce casque sans fil de Bowers & Wilkins est dans la lignée des produits haut de gamme du constructeur. La construction est soignée et la qualité sonore se révèle excellente, ainsi que l'autonomie. De bons atouts pour concurrencer le Momentum Wireless de Se...
Le Bowers & Wilkins P7 Wireless sono cuffie di fascia alta destinate ad una clientela esigente che desidera la massima qualità di ascolto dentro e fuori casa. Si tratta, infatti, di un prodotto molto versatile grazie alla possibilità di utilizzo con o sen...
Sono estremamente soddisfatto di questo mese di utilizzo delle P7, metterle è un piacere e pian piano mi sono abituato a portarle sempre di più con me. I motivi sono quelli che vi ho già elencato, su tutti la comodità e lestrema limpidezza del suono, ass...
Abstract: Von 20 bis 400 Euro: 27 coole Kopfhörer im Test-Vergleich
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Published: 2019-11-10, Author: Jan Brack , review by: netzwelt.de
Abstract: Wir testen regelmäßig Bluetooth-Kopfhörer auf Herz und Nieren. In diesem Vergleich stellen wir euch die besten On- und Over-Ear-Kopfhörer mit Bluetooth-Anbindung vor, stellen Stärken und Schwächen gegenüber und küren ein Modell zum Testsieger 2019. Auch eine Kaufberatung findet ihr hier. Musik an...
Ihr könnt die P7 Wireless für nicht wirklich günstige 399 Euro bestellen! Wer diesen Preis ausgeben kann und will, bekommt eine klangliche Meisterleistung mit Top-Verarbeitung!Vielen Dank an Bowers & Wilkins für die Bereitstellung des Testgerätes!ÜberLetz...