The editors liked Excellent screen Extremely full-featured Can rate and delete media on the unit Decent transfer speed. High-capacity hard drive Fast data-transfer times Superb LCD Performance and dependability LCD screen Scroll wheel Raw processing
The editors didn't like Very pricey Need extra software to import ratings Case is bulky. Flash memory cards get cheaper every year -- or maybe that’s every month. At the time of this writing You can get a speedy 2GB SD card for $20 at your local BestBuy. Of course ... Expensive No FireWire port Lacks HDTV support Price Very expensive Slow image editing
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Abstract: Le P-7000 d’Epson se veut lami du photographe. Avec lui, on vide ses cartes mémoire grâce à une capacité de stockage de 160 Go (à lheure où les appareils plein format génèrent des fichiers de 20 à 25 Mo ce ne sera pas de trop). Mais pas seulement. Ca...
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Elevata qualità display, menu completo e facile da usare, velocità di esecuzione, impugnatura solida, buona capacità di archiviazione Prezzo elevato, non supporta alcuni tipi di filmati, peso superiore alla media
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