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LCD TV Buyer’s Guide

Liquid crystal display televisions (LCD) are ultra thin and lighter than traditional CRT televisions (TVs) as they use a fluorescent white backlight which light up a network of thousands of pixels to display the picture instead of the traditional CRT tube. The image clarity is also superior, there is less reflection and glare; and it has a wider viewing angle.

In this expert guide the different types of LCD TVs and the specifications to consider when reviewing the various models are explained. It will also provide guidance as to the types available with the different price ranges.

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Samsung LA46M51B

Last published: 2006-01-01
2 Reviews

Vestel 47PF7021

Last published: 2013-11-13
1 Reviews

Philips 65OLED986

Last published: 2022-02-18
Highest Rated April 2022
Highest Rated April 2022
16 Reviews

Samsung 55KS7005

Last published: 2016-07-12
8 Reviews

Philips 65PLM9636

Last published: 2022-02-11
2 Reviews

Metz 65MOC9001

Last published: 2021-07-02
1 Reviews

Panasonic TX-26LX70

Last published: 2007-10-01
4 Reviews

Panasonic TX-32LX70F

Last published: 2007-06-01
4 Reviews

Samsung GQ65S95CAT

Last published: 2024-03-05
6 Reviews


Last published: 2023-10-30
7 Reviews

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