Reviews of Roborock H6 |
| have collected 32 expert reviews of the Roborock H6 and the average rating is 84%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Roborock H6.
 May 2020
The editors liked- Up to 90 minute battery life
- Lightweight and easy to use
- Display shows important info
- Automatic carpet boost
- Does a great job cleaning
- Lightweight
- Portable
- Quiet
- Long battery life especially in Eco Mode
- Versatile
- Multiple attachments
- Easy to clean
- Very lightweight
- Plenty of useful attachments
- Excellent storage design
- Easy dumping of canister debris
- Current battery status display screen
- Excellent suction power
- Great battery life in Eco and Regular modes
- OLED screen is invaluable
- Accessories are easy to attach and detach
- Light weight
- Compact and lightweight
- Amazing battery life
- Great performance in Eco and Standard mode
- Intuitive OLED display
The editors didn't like- At $449 it's not cheap
- 4.7
- Using the Roborock H6
- The Roborock H6 is light and easy to use on the floor
- Ceiling
- Your car or behind appliances
- " data-image-title="Roborock H6 Review – 8" data-image-meta='{"aperture"
- "1.8"
- "credit"
- ""
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- "iPhone
- Nothing
- No power adapter support
- Expensive
- Max suction battery life is very short
- Takes a long time to charge
- Hard to use small accessories at certain angles
- Average suction power
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- 在官宣時,石頭手持無線吸塵器H6就一直在暗示要對標戴森這一家用電器的高端品牌。而從結果來看,無論是現代化的設計風格還是強大的性能參數,石頭手持無線吸塵器H6之前絕非吹牛,不僅僅是相媲美,甚至有所超越,這是一款跨級對決的產品。要說石頭手持無線吸塵器H6最大的過人之處,毫無意外就是那塊能量密度極佳的聚合物超輕鋰電池。石頭手持無線吸塵器H6已經在全新電池的加持和優秀的設計下有了眾多過人之處,清掃持續時間更長、最大功率和持續吸力有保證,優秀的算法下啟停快速,人機互動上一塊OLED屏加上簡單幾個按鍵堪稱完美,清掃效...
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- Abstract: 3月30日,石頭科技正式官宣石頭手持無線吸塵器H6,作為首款採用聚合物超輕電池的吸塵器,石頭科技宣稱這款產品兼具大吸力、長續航和重量輕,2699元的售價(眾籌價2499元)也使這款產品從直接越至兩千元檔,面對這一價位段戴森近乎統治力的銷量,石頭手持無線吸塵器H6能否破局成功?同時在微博上吹過的牛,在實際使用時能實現多少?帶著這些疑問,宅小秘拿起了手中的石頭手持無線吸塵器H6,開啟了它的測試之旅。告別廉價,讓清掃變得更優雅一款好產品一定擁有出色的產品力,但若想成為經典,好的產品設計同樣必不可少。許多...
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