Reviews of OnePlus 5 have collected 561 expert reviews of the OnePlus 5 and the average rating is 87%. Scroll down and see all reviews for OnePlus 5.
June 2017
The editors liked Crisp Bright display Ridiculously speedy and responsive performance All-day battery life Genuinely useful new software features (i.e. Reading Mode)
The editors didn't like Still no microSD card slot No formal IP rating for water resistance Okay It looks a little like an iPhone. Also not waterresistant Sometimes heavyhanded processing
Reviews page 57 of 57
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Published: 2017-07-12, Author: Péter-Szabó , review by:
Habár a OnePlus 5 vitán felül a vállalat eddigi legfejlettebb modellje lett, korántsem hibátlan készülék: a kamera teljesítménye valamelyest elmarad a marketingkampányban sugallt minőséghez képest (bár még így is egészen jól sikerült darab), a kijelzőt ér...
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