Testseek.com have collected 240 expert reviews of the Samsung SM-G990 Galaxy S21 FE and the average rating is 79%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Samsung SM-G990 Galaxy S21 FE.
January 2022
240 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
440 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
Same Snapdragon 888 processor as the Galaxy S21
Colorful display
Improved Night Mode promises better low-light pictures
Ships with Android 12
Excellent display
Versatile cameras
Good performance
Stunning display
Comfortable design
Capable selfie and main cameras
Clean UI
Versatile camera system
Excellent software support
Powerful Snapdragon 888 processor
Unique and comfortable design
Bright 120Hz display
Battery life
Beautiful 120Hz screen
Same great cameras from the S21
Light and thin
Great battery life
Excellent performance
Launches with Android 12/One UI 4
Good 120Hz AMOLED screen
Android 12 out of the box
Excellent internal hardware
Cameras take vivid photos
IP68 and wireless charging
Comfortable to hold and use
Impressive screen
Great performance
Decent battery life
Comes with Android 12 & One UI 4 out of the box
Excellent AMOLED HDR10 screen
Superb color accuracy
Good-looking S21-like body
Flagship-grade Snapdragon 888 5G chip
Outstanding camera performance
Day and night
Photo and video
Likable no-nonsense OneUI 4 with power
Excellent 120Hz display Flagship grade Exynos 2100 processor Good overall performance Solid camera performance
High refresh rate screen
Good telephoto camera
Great software support policy
High system performance
Bright and accurate 120 Hz AMOLED display
Modern communication interfaces
IP68 certification
The editors didn't like
Lower resolution telephoto lens compared to Galaxy S21
Less RAM than the Galaxy S21
120Hz refresh rate isn't adaptive
Average battery life
Slightly priced on the higher side
Not the fastest phone in the market
Slow wired and wireless charging speeds
No headphone jack
Mediocre battery life
Lacks adaptive 120Hz display
Galaxy S22 is coming soon
Disappointing telephoto lens
Slow charging
Not as good a value as last time
Haptic motors are lower quality
One UI 4 color changing isn't as good as the Pixel
Unreasonably costly for what you get
No microSD slot
No bundled charger
6GB of RAM is not enough for everyone
Not as great of a value as the Galaxy S20 FE was
Camera is okay
Nothing to write home about
No charger in the box
No dynamic screen refresh rate
No 3.5mm jack
No microSD
No AF for selfies (pick one)
Expensive at launch
No 3.5mm jack No bundled charger No microSD card slot
作为三星最新打造的一款产品,相比前代机型,三星Galaxy S21 FE 5G集用户喜爱的精致设计,第二代动态AMOLED屏幕,高通骁龙888处理器,多摄像头模组等高端配置于一身,是今年开年的一款重磅智能手机产品,让该机的性价比和体验又上一个新台阶,如果你想在春节来临之际换一款各方面表现都不俗的新机,那么三星Galaxy S21 FE 5G是一个不错的选择。...
三星Galaxy S21 FE 5G内置的4500mAh电池也足够轻度用户使用两三天;骁龙888的强悍性能经过了市场、智能手机厂商、广大消费者的考验,因此无须担心性能不足的问题;120Hz的屏幕刷新率,放在2022年的智能手机市场,也依旧是顶级的存在,不存在过时的说法。要说三星Galaxy S21 FE 5G的遗憾之处,在笔者看来就是后置相机的像素不高了,如果能配个6400万像素的主摄,那就更棒了,用户的拍照体验将有望迈上一个新的台阶。总体而言,三星Galaxy S21 FE 5G是一款拥有高颜值、好手感...
Abstract: 三星於2021年初推出Galaxy S21 5G旗艦系列,開創全新影音體驗。今年,三星集結該系列中備受星粉喜愛的特色與規格,量身打造最新成員輕旗艦Galaxy S21 FE 5G,並於今(6)日宣布正式在台上市。Galaxy S21 FE 5G以時尚設計工藝、Pro級影音與4,500mAh超大電量等強悍規格,搭配親民售價,搶攻喜愛透過影音記錄生活、展現個人獨特個性的社群世代。 Galaxy S21 FE 5G共推出石墨黑、幻影白、橄欖綠、薰衣紫4款顏色,單機建議售價NT$21,990,於1月11日起於三星...