Testseek.com have collected 702 expert reviews of the Sony Xperia Z3 and the average rating is 85%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Sony Xperia Z3.
September 2014
702 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
259 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
While it still has some of the odd Sony white cast at certain angles
The Z3's 1080p LCD is extremely bright with excellent contrast for something that isn't an AMOLED. It also has superb white balance
Making the Note 4's QHD SAMOLED look dingy
Sleek design
Slimmer and lighter than its predecessor
Very durable with the highest rating of waterproof
Great audio and display quality
Awesome battery life
Sharp 20.7-MP camera
Discrete camera button
Front-facing speakers
More than 12 hours of battery life
Bright screen
The Sony Xperia Z3 packs great battery life
A brilliant display
Beautiful design and waterproof features. If you own a PS4
You'll also be able to play PS4 games remotely on your phone
Refined design. Dust- and water-resistant. Excellent camera. Long battery life. PS4 game streaming.
Battery life
4K video
Nicest design on the market
Impressive camera experience
Stunning display
Unique PlayStation implementation
Great looking hardware. Snappy processor and plenty of RAM make the Z3 a speed demon. Shoots 4K video. Waterproof up to 5 feet
Elegant looks
Blazinglyfast performance
Useful software features and tons of tweaks
Loaded camera
With very good imaging capabilities
Excellent battery life
Thin and stylish waterproof body
Bright display with excellent outdoor visibility
Very good battery life
Good pictures and video quality
Highly attractive
Waterresistant body
One of the best cameras on an Android phone
Further refined aesthetics
Great display experience
Great sound experience
IP certified design
Powerful camera
Minimalistic but very useful Xperia UI
Beautifully built
Premium feeling
Exceptional performance
Excellent camera
Water and dust proof construction
Great battery life
Good detail preservation outdoors and in low light
Low noise level in all lighting conditions
Good overall exposure
Very fast and accurate autofocus in bright light
Pleasant colors in most situations
Awesome battery life without sacrificing highend performance. Refined design is comfortable
Stylish and waterproof. Fantastic display that's both crisp and vibrant. Familiar camera hardware is still pretty decent.
Fantastic battery life
High-quality finish
Great camera
Nice materials
Stylish design with rounded corners
Dust and water protected
Great cameras
Very good connectivity
Very bright display
Very clear voice quality
Numerous accessories are available
Remote Play with PlayStation 4
The editors didn't like
Did you like the camera on the Xperia Z1 and Z2? Great! It's back. It's still not amazing. This is somewhat frustrating considering what great consumer mirrorless cameras Sony is making. There are just so many issues here
So read the full camera
Underwhelming camera
The rear glass panel is prone to scratches
The international version of Xperia Z3 is available on Amazon for around $635. This is a good phone but you might pick the Xperia Z2 instead because they are very similar and there is no re
Flimsy port covers
Too many preloaded widgets
The UI can use updating -- all the icons just look way too big. While it may have a 20.7-megapixel camera
Autofocus can be a little off
But nothing a quick tap on the screen can't fix
Wi-Fi could be faster. Sony and T-Mobile bloat
The glass back could use more scratch resistance to match the strength of the front screen
Not a major update over the Z2
Isn't particularly well future-proofed
Camera results vary
Battery isn't quite as good as promised
Glass back makes it a fingerprint magnet—and a slippery one at that. I dropped and shattered mine. Finicky camera produces inconsistent photos. Stability issues aplenty. Mystifying software choices
Including pointless redesigns of great stock Android app
Runs hot
Especially while shooting 4K video
Doesn't come cheap
Comparatively large for the display size
Very inaccurate screen colors in default mode
Hollowsounding earpiece
Large and heavy
Underwhelming viewing angles
Tiny camera key
Upgrade might not be substantial for veteran users
Performance package is a step behind current competition
Best camera features are disjointed
Software is inconsistent at times
Notifications are rather low in volume
Headphone volume could be higher
Color shading is visible in some outdoor and lowlight pictures
Flare is noticeable in sunny backlit shots
Color shading appears when mixing flash and tungsten light sources
Frustrating app prevents the camera from reaching its true potential. Software feels bland and outdated compared to the competition.
Abstract: 전작에 비해 크기나 무게는 소폭 작고 가벼워졌다. 엑스페리아Z2의 경우 146.8×73.3mm의 크기를 갖췄는데 엑스페리아Z3는 146x72mm로 좁아졌다. 무게는 158g에서 6g를 덜어 152g이다. 별 차이가 없는 것 같지만 실제로 함께 들어보니 무게 차이가 느껴진다.좌우측면은 미세하게 바뀌었다. 우측 상단의 마이크로SD 카드슬롯 덮개가 둥글게 표현됐다. 좌측도 마찬가지다.방진방수 등급은 한단계 더 높아졌다. 기존 IP58에서 IP68로 업그레이드...
Abstract: 소니 스마트폰 엑스페리아 Z3 사용후기소니 스마트폰의 프리미엄 제품에 사용되는 Z 시리즈는 알파벳의 마지막 스펠링을 채용해 기술의 최정점이라는 의미를 갖고 있습니다.엑스페리아 Z 시리즈의 첫번째 제품인 Z1이 2014년 1월에 국내에 들어온 후 2분기에 Z2가 출시 그리고 10월에는 한번 더 업그레이드 된 Z3가 컴팩트 제품과 태블릿 제품이 차례로 출시되었습니다.소니 스마트폰 엑스페리아 Z3 스펙 AP : 2.5 GHz의 퀄컴 스냅드래곤 801 쿼드코어...
Abstract: 최신 스마트폰 고민 중이라면 소니 엑스페리아 Z3몇 년전만 하더라도 많은 외산 폰들이 국내 휴대폰 시장을 군림했었는데요. 스마트폰 시장으로 빠르게 넘어가면서 그 많던 외산 스마트폰들은 모두 실패하고 지금은 애플과 소니 그리고 중국의 저가 스마트폰 제조업체 정도만 남아 있는 것 같습니다.최근 스마트폰 시장은 성능의 상향평준화와 합리적인 가격의 스마트폰을 찾는 분들이 늘어나면서 틈새 시장을 공략하는 외산 스마트폰들이 다시 출시되고 있는데요. 이번에 소개드릴...
Abstract: 아이폰6? 갤럭시노트4? 베가아이언2? 당신이 가장 사고 싶은 최신 스마트폰은 무엇인가.단통법(단말기유통구조개선법) 시행 이후, (이전보다 상대적으로) '비싸게 스마트폰을 사서 약정을 꽉 채워 써야 하는' 지금, 소비자들의 기준은 전에 없이 깐깐해졌다. 한순간의 잘못된 선택으로 2년을 후회할 수 있기 때문.대리점 사장님도 잘 해주지 않는 최신 스마트폰 비교에 IT동아 편집부가 나섰다. 참가자들은 아이폰6, 아이폰6플러스, 갤럭시노트4, G3 Cat.6(...