Testseek.com have collected 11 expert reviews of the Audi e-tron Sportback SUV 2020 and the average rating is 85%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Audi e-tron Sportback SUV 2020.
11 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
Abstract: Audi introduced its e-tron electric SUV for 2019. Now it has followed it up with the 2020 e-tron Sportback. The two models are mechanically identical and mainly differ in styling. Put simply, the Sportback is a regular e-tron with a tapered rear roofline...
Published: 2020-10-19, Author: Chris , review by: pocket-lint.com
Build quality and luxury interior,Great ride and handling,Cameras for wing mirrors (at a cost)
Options list sends the price soaring,Range per kWh isn't great
Starting at just over £68,000, the Audi e-tron Sportback is clearly a car for those with a little more money to spend. But it's not hugely different to the price you'd be asked for the Audi Q8 - sure, there are some major differences, but there's also a l...
Confort royal, Technologie au goût du jour, Présentation globale impeccable, Confort royal, Technologie au goût du jour, Présentation globale impeccable
Autonomie limitée sur autoroute, Consommations élevées, Tarifs élitistes
L'Audi e-tron fait une entrée assez timide sur le marché des SUV 100 % électriques, mais ne manque pas pour autant d'intérêt. D'un point de vue purement technologique, l'Audi e-tron Sportback est aujourd'hui l'une des voitures qui embarquent le plus d'équ...
Abstract: Audi e-tron Sportback è il secondo tassello nella strada verso l'elettrificazione, lunga ma meno di quanto si pensi vista l'accelerata che ci aspetta nei prossimi anni per gli EV e quella già in corso nel segmento delle ibride. Il percorso è quello dell'...
Abstract: This is a modal window. This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.This is a modal window.di Matteo Dall'AvaScrupoloso osservatore del mondo lifestyle internazionale11 Jun, 2020Audi e-tron Sportback coniuga il comfo...
Bygg kvalitet och lyxig interiör,Fantastisk åktur och hantering,Kameror för vingspeglar (till en kostnad)
Alternativlistan skickar prishöjningen,Räckvidd per kWh är inte bra
Från och med drygt 68 000 £ är Audi e-tron Sportback helt klart en bil för dem med lite mer pengar att spendera. Men det är inte väldigt annorlunda än det pris du skulle få för Audi Q8 - visst, det finns några stora skillnader, men det finns också mycket...
Świetnie opracowany napęd elektryczny, Skuteczna i przyjemna w obsłudze rekuperacja, Już wkrótce: imponujące cyfrowe światła Matrix, Wirtualne lusterka lepsze niż u konkurencji...
ale nadal mam wątpliwości co do ergonomii
Audi e-tron Sportback to bardzo dopracowane auto o ciekawej sylwetce. Co ciekawe, decydując się na nadwozie o linii coupe nie musimy poświęcać przestrzeni wewnątrz! Przykładowo nad głową mamy zaledwie dwa centymetry mniej przestrzeni w porównaniu do wersj...
Abstract: 緊接著Jaguar I-Pace與賓士EQC之後,國內將再迎來一款豪華電動休旅,自去年底車展現身的Audi e-tron,總算在今日公佈預售價格,並且同時導入標準休旅e-tron與身形更加動感的e-tron Sportback雙車型,兩者各自再劃分50 quattro S line與55 quattro S line兩種動力等級,預售價格則自289~359萬元之間! e-tron預售價格 ●e-tron 50 quattro S line:289萬元 ●e-tron 55 quattro S li...