Testseek.com have collected 12 expert reviews of the Toyota Highlander SUV 2021 and the average rating is 81%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Toyota Highlander SUV 2021.
12 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
0 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
Quiet ride
Easy to see out of
Good power and fuel economy from V6 engine
The editors didn't like
Infotainment is still a headache
Exterior is a little busy
Pricey top models
Small-ish third row
Third row is kids-only
Below-average cargo space behind the third-row seat
Abstract: 在北美銷量一直很不錯的七人座SUV Toyota highlander近日登陸歐洲販售,Highlander的定位在RAV4之上,採用TNGA-K的模組化底盤,而相較於北美市場還有3.5 V6的動力選項,歐洲市場的Highlander僅提供2.5升油電Hybrid單一動力,這套油電動力系統廣泛應用在Toyota各車系,這具2.5升油電系統提供最大綜效馬力248ps,0~100km加速為8.3秒,極速180km/h,原廠公布純電行駛的最高速度可達125km/h。搭配為了改善油耗特別針對齒比優化過的E-CVT...