The editors liked The best CPU for gaming Strong out-of-the-box clock speed Intel's six-cores beat AMD's eight-cores in many production tasks Offers substantial gains over Skylake and Kaby Lake in multithreaded apps 6-core in a mainstream Intel chip 36% multi-core performance improvement over the i7-7700K Can easily overclock to 5.0 GHz Single-core performance improvements Beats Ryzen in gaming performance Platform has 40 PCI-Express 3.0 lanes Strong performance in games and productivity applications Lower priceperthread than competition Overclocking headroom 50 percent more cores and threads (and higher boost clocks) than previous-gen mainstream chips Best gaming performance we've seen at 1080p When paired with a GTX 1080 Consistently tops AMD's similarly priced Ryzen 7 1700X Strong Multi-Thread Performance Killer Single-Thread Performance Relatively Low Power High Overclocks Swift response from Intel Versatile chip Cost-effective Huge six-core power Highly overclockable Stable and easy-to-use platform Mighty single-core speeds and gaming performance Cheaper than Ryzen 7 1800X Incredible single-threaded performance 6-cores Large multi-threaded gains over previous generation Competitive pricing HyperThreading included Excellent overclocking potential Unlocked multiplier Great for highend gaming and competent at productivity. Offers better allaround performance than the 7700K. One hell of an overclocker
The editors didn't like Still only 16 PCIe lanes on the CPU Platform needs voltage tweaks to run at its best Coffee Lake is the third "optimisation" of an existing architecture with no IPC improvement The 8700K runs very hot and pulls a lot of watts You can overclock to over New motherboard needed Sort of upsetting if you've bought an i7-7700K recently Zseries motherboard requirement Overclocking tax Higher MSRP than Core i7-7700K Requires a new motherboard Despite Z370 chipset offering no substantive new features Requires New Motherboards Despite Using LGA1151 Socket Not All Unlocked Temperatures high on launch Little change except core count Doesn't compete with Ryzen 1700 or 1700X on price Cheaper 8-core Ryzens offer similar multi-core performance Not compatible with older motherboards New motherboards required Only small improvements in gaming Relatively expensive compared to Ryzen. Expect to spend $550for the chip A motherboard and a nice cooler
Reviews page 37 of 42
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Abstract: PConline 评测] 跟之前一样,首发的八代处理器主要是高端的K系列,具体来说是Core i7-8700K、Core i5-8600K,分别对应Core i7-7700K、Core i5-7600K,其中Core i7-8700K为6核12线程架构,基础频率3.7GHz,加速频率4.3GHz,单核加速频率4.7GHz,要比Core i7-7700K的4.0-4.5GHz频率更高。随着核心数的增加,L3缓存也从之前的8MB提升到了12MB,内存频率提升到了DDR4-2666MHz, 整合的核显还是GT...
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Abstract: PConline 评测] 为了更好地发挥CPU的性能,我们采用的散热器是来自超频三的最顶级风、液混合型散热器——超频三 凌冻双擎,采用液冷+水冷双重混合散热方案,是非常有创新性的设计了。从前面功耗增加的情况来看,八代酷睿处理器的发热也一定会增大,所以Core i7-8700K处理器的拷机温度达到了76°C,比Core i7-7700K高了13°C,Core i5-8600K也比Core i5-8600K高了12°C,从这一点上来说想要升级八代处理器的玩家需要衡量下散热器的效能,如果之前使用的是比较高端的...
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在专业应用软件测试中,Core i7-8700K处理器同样有高频率及多线程两方面的优势,以往在这类测试中AMD Ryzen 7处理器有多核心多线程的优势,但是现在已经被Intel追上甚至甩开,毕竟八代处理器的加速频率高达4.7GHz,要比AMD处理器高多了,单核性能优势还是太大。...
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Published: 2017-10-08, Author: gaojie20 , review by:
其实总结下来的结论很简单,就是8700K在默认条件下的发热量并不会比7700K高,反而待机状态的功耗和发热控制的非常出色,即使满载状态,也通过类似降低AVX满载的频率来达成AVX满载条件下对满载温度的控制,这一切对游戏和日常应用并没有产生很大的影响,所以放在7.4L的ITX主机内游刃有余,反而比I7 7700K更容易压制,所以不超频的情况下,I7 8700K和ASROCK Z370M-ITX/AC在ITX系统的CPU选择上又增添了一个强力的选择!...
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Published: 2017-10-06, Author: 晓龙 , review by:
intel第八代酷睿i7-8700K这款处理器在性能表现与功耗控制上给我们较大的惊喜,尤其是38% 的多线程性能提升是intel平台近几年罕见的,不过在单核心性能并没有做多大的提升。虽然第八代相比上一代处理器增加了两个物理,但是功耗仅仅高出了4W,功耗控制的比较到位,实测中也令人满意。...
Published: 2017-10-05, Author: nApoleon , review by:
将主流平台的CPU死死卡在4核8线程的Intel在遭遇了今年AMD Ryzen的冲击后终于迈步向前.这次i7-8700K在保留原有i7-7700K高效高频率的优势上增加了核心数量.使得整体性能表现也已经不输于八核心的Ryzen 7.更为均衡的配置相信也会受到玩家更多的青睐.不过外今年搭配桌面型第八代酷睿的芯片组只有面向玩家的Z370这一款芯片组的主板,更为主流化B360和H310,以及据称还会有一款原生USB 3.1 Gen2以及Wi-Fi的Z390则要等到明年.加上新老主板同接口却不通用的做法,还有祖传...
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Published: 2017-10-05, Author: 马振华 , review by:
Abstract: 在文章开始之前,小编首先要恭喜那些选择等待八系酷睿的同学们,你们的忍耐没有白费,Intel已经很久没有这么厚道过了,即将迎来的是一场饕餮盛宴。Intel第八代酷睿处理器全系列型号的规格、性能信息在今天正式解禁,小编早就按耐不住将评测数据呈上与大家分享了。Intel这次的保密工作非常不到位,这一代产品的性能参数很久以前就泄露得满天飞,相信关注CPU的硬件发烧友们通过捕风捉影就能略知一二了。当然,在AMD锐龙来势汹汹之际,这也可能是Intel故意而为之,既杀了对手的锐气,又提振己了方消费者的信心,为商场上常见...
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Published: 2017-09-26, Author: 佚名 , review by:
Abstract: 说好的10月5日发结果现在突然就把CPU先发布了,看来Intel这次被AMD吓得不轻。桌面版第八代酷睿的代号是Coffee Lake,它最大的亮点就是多了两个物理核心,Intel首次把六核处理器推广到主流的LGA 1151平台上,Core i7是6核12线程,Core i5是6核6线程,Core i3是4核4线程,多年不变的规格现在终于有了质的改变。PC行业的带头大哥Intel,过去的几年中大家一直把Intel调侃为牙膏厂,因为多代酷睿处理器性能提升都不明显,就连制造工艺都停留在14nm三年了,架构、...
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这是一个六核Coffee Lake-S的晶圆第八代酷睿处理器Intel并没有对内核架构做任何调整,只是很暴力的堆多了两个核心进去,然而就是这么简单粗暴的办法让处理器的多线程性能暴涨40%以上,LGA 1151的Core i7/i5都变成了六核,Core i3也变成四核,虽然我们也很想看Intel推出新的微架构,然而这种简单粗暴的堆核心其实我们也很乐意的看得到。更重要的是Intel这次并没有对CPU价格进行多大调整,基本维持与第七代的定价,只有Core i7-8700K以及Core i5-8600K两块带K...
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