Testseek.com have collected 707 expert reviews of the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 6GB GDDR6 PCIe and the average rating is 88%. Scroll down and see all reviews for NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 6GB GDDR6 PCIe.
May 2019
707 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
0 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
For the price
It's plenty fast
And it supports ray tracing
Solid pricing
Gaming performance on par with Vega 64 and GTX 1080
Samsung GDDR6 has great overclocking potential
Energy efficient
Quiet in gaming
RTX Technology
Deep-learning feature set
DLSS an effective new AA method
Backplate included
HDMI 2.0
Great 1440p and 1080p gaming performance
RTX hardware for ray tracing and DLSS
Stunning Founders Edition aesthetic design
Very cool under load
Strong Performance Per Dollar
Bleeding Edge Feature Support
Easy Overclocking
Ideal For 1080P/1440P Gaming Sweet Spot
Better performance than GeForce GTX 1070 Ti
Fair price point
High-quality cooler
Playable performance in Battlefield V with DXR enabled
Near GTX 1080 level performance
Dual Axial fan cooler
Quiet operation even under sustained load
DLSS performance is excellent
RTX effects are awesome
Solid build quality
VirtualLink ready
Delivers good value
Great for 1080p and even 1440p
Beats the GTX 1070
The editors didn't like
It's still more expensive than the previous generation
And few titles support ray tracing
But the 2060
Unlike the 1060
Does ray tracing and is the cheapest card available that's capable of the technology. The next step up
The 2070
Starts at $600 fro
No idle fan stop
Bogged down by power limits
Power efficiency could be a little bit better
Complicated disassembly
No Windows 7 support for RTX
Requires Windows 10 Fall 2018 Update
No NVLink SLI support
Much more expensive than GTX 1060
Ray tracing and DLSS not widely available in games
Mild performance gains compared to similarly priced GTX 1070
$50 Higher Introductory Price Than 1060
Few RTX Titles At The Moment
Higher power consumption than previous-gen cards it replaces
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Ventole rumorose, Troppo simile a GTX 1060
Ribadiamo che, se avete la GTX 1060 o una 1060TI, probabilmente non vale la pena comprarla. Vi consiglieremmo piuttosto un “acquisto più spinto” verso una RTX 2070, 2080 o, addirittura, una 2080TI. Però le schede appena citate sono caratterizzate da un pr...
La nuova GPU di NVIDIA è riuscita dove le precedenti RTX avevano fallito: offrire, oltre al Ray Tracing, anche un salto prestazionale netto dalla precedente generazione, il tutto mantenendo un prezzo di vendita accessibile a una più larga fetta di utenti...