The editors liked Bright 120 Hz OLED Strong SoC Very good cooling Good speakers Excellent battery life Fast charging & matching power supply Optional AniMe Matrix light show on the lid Good keyboard with decent travel Clicky feedback And a backlight Packs one of the most powerful mobile chips out there and supports Wi-Fi 6 8GB/16GB of soldered memory plus one RAM SODIMM slot supporting 32 Optional AniMe Matrix light that can be turned off for better battery life Nice keyboard with decent travel and clicky feedback Good for both typing and gaming Has one of the most beefier mobile chips 8GB or 16GB of soldered memory and one additional Portable and thin design Performance is quite good Thermal management is top-notch Best-in-class battery Good looks AMD Ryzen 4900HS offers strong performance Stellar battery life Comfortable keyboard Absolutely spectacular aluminum design that's slim Light And beautifully refined Gorgeous 120Hz OLED display with fantastic color reproduction and responsiveness Impressively quick AMD Ryzen CPU paired with capable NVIDIA GPUs Keyboard Touchpad And es Desktop power in an ultraportable laptop Excellent design Great keyboard and trackpad 120-hertz display Good value Killer AMD and Nvidia performance Longest-lasting gaming laptop ever Lightning fast SSD Bright 120Hz display Comfy keyboard Elegant Moonlight White design Strong speakers Excellent CPU performance for its size Comfortable keyboard with a surprising amount of travel Demanding games are playable Sleek retro vibe Comfortable touchpad and keyboard Strong battery life for productivity Great performance for gaming and everything else Super portable design paired with 11-hour battery life Great display and audio Lightweight and solid build Powerful CPU and GPU Great keyboard for gaming Faster 120Hz monitor Best-in-class battery life
The editors didn't like Android 12 only Mediocre ultra-wide-angle camera No IP rating No WiFi 6E No wireless charging USB 2.0 only Lacks an SD card reader and Thunderbolt support The laptop gets loud and very warm when gaming The RTX 2060 Max-Q happens to run quite warm after during periods of gaming The laptop gets loud and warm when gaming Expensive Anime Matrix serves no practical use Backlighting is not great ShareTweetShare Fan sometimes whirs when idle No webcam No Thunderbolt 3 Gets hot to the touch and experiences some thermal throttling under load Display hinge feels a little too flimsy Doesn't have the battery life of other ultrabooks in this weight class Keyboard font isn't everyone's style Poor keyboard lighting Power connector in the middle of the left side White keyboard backlight doesn't consistently shine through transparent keycap areas No Thunderbolt 3 connection 16 9 aspect ratio is cumbersome for productivity CPU gets hot Keyboard has backlighting issues Keyboard is a bit cramped for typing Summary The Zephyrus G14 has everything we'd want in an ultraportable gaming laptop It's lightweight Powerful and lasts nearly 13 hours on battery. It's so good You won't mind that it doesn't have a web
Reviews page 38 of 42
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Published: 2020-05-19, review by:
其实ROG幻14笔记本早在3月底就在国外上市了,从我们测试的结果来看,它是多年来第一款真正没有明显短板趋近于完美的AMD笔记本。1、 屏幕:此前的天选笔记本虽然在其他方面的表现非常亮眼,但是45%NTSC色域的屏幕肯定是不能满足高端玩家的需求,现在ROG幻14笔记本不仅采用了72%NTSC色域的屏幕,还有120Hz刷新率以及2K分辨率可供玩家自由选择。2、续航:ROG幻14笔记本内置一块容量高达76Wh的锂聚合物电池,这个容量已经比很多游戏本更大。经过PCMark 8实测有5小时的续航时间,这个表现已经不...
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此次幻14一共有两款机型,评测的机型为高配的星空版,未来还有低配的经典版可以选择。从外观上来看,幻14给人第一印象是大气而不浮夸,拿来办公不觉得奇怪,想要个性的话可以通过A面的“光显矩阵屏”获得无限种玩法,非常讨喜。且它终究还流淌着ROG家族的血统,虽然不到20mm厚,但在性能的发挥上无疑不令人惊叹。14英寸容下RTX GPU是它最大的亮点,在此基础之上它居然还内置八核芯的4900HS处理器以及16G内存和1T固态硬盘。而得益于冰刃系列的散热结构,它最终让显卡+CPU以65W+35W双双满血的水平发挥,各...
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Published: 2020-05-18, review by:
此外,配合NVIDIA Studio驱动,ROG幻14还可以应对很多创作内容,比如创意音视频剪辑、三维设计等,毕竟ROG幻14在屏幕素质、续航和存储方面的优势比较明显。如果觉得光显矩阵屏太过于个性,还可以选择无光显矩阵屏版本。上一页 1 2 3下一页阅读全文...
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Published: 2020-05-17, Author: nApoleon , review by:
通过测试,AMD这颗R9 4900HS的CPU果然不负众望,无论是性能,制程,还是散热,功耗,都达到了非常优秀的水准,联手ROG的一流设计,再一次强势翻身.在性能上,幻14完全称得上是一台优秀的游戏笔记本.但这就够了吗?1.7KG的重量,搭配65W的Type-C电源,14英寸,20mm厚的体积,2K的显示屏,带指纹识别的电源键,4单元高水准的扬声器配置.无论从便携性还是安全性,甚至是影音体验,幻14都丝毫不处于下风.打通了性能游戏本和便携商务本之间那层壁垒.完全称得上是一台全能型的笔记本.CHH笔记本评分...
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GTX 1650 Ti版本的天选在常见游戏上面的表现还是不错的,新的GTX 1650 Ti能够在很多情况下基本喂饱这块144Hz刷新率的屏幕,机身的散热能力也能够维持游戏的稳定运行,总的来说是一款合格的中端游戏本,更为不容小觑的是它搭载的是Ryzen 7 4800H这颗相当强悍的处理器,在非游戏之外的用途中也会有相当好的表现。目前这款笔记本正处于预售期,预售价格为¥6099(京东传送门),作为一款“CPU够强而显卡够用”的游戏本,很适合广大即将返校的学生群体选购,或是主要目标是打端游、网游的玩家。...
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Abstract: 一提起ROG這個品牌,人們自然會想到它在電競行業舉足輕重的地位。ROG的產品不僅可以給你帶去真實暢爽的遊戲體驗,而且在產品的創新性上也走在業界的前列。今天給大家帶來的ROG幻14就有諸多亮點,A面獨創光顯矩陣屏,並且在機身的便攜性和性能的釋放上也都表現不錯。下面就跟我們一起體驗一下ROG幻14。光顯矩陣屏加持輕薄機身當我們拿到ROG幻14的時候,就被它別具一格的A面所吸引。A面依舊採用了ROG經典的斜切設計,相比於其他產品來說,ROG幻14的A面上半部分由6536像素燈組成,這就是獨具標誌性和...
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Abstract: 學出位,玩出色,強勁動力源自NVIDIA®️ GeForce ®️,NVIDIA作為顯卡行業的領軍廠商,其技術也正在引領行業的發展。最近,作為全球火熱遊戲之一的 堡壘之夜 ,宣布加入突破性的 NVIDIA 技術,這不僅可以使其在 PC 上的運行速度更快、畫面更加精美並且響應時間更短,還可以實現光線追蹤視覺效果。提到NVIDIA®️GEFORCE®️的光線追蹤遊戲玩家一定不會陌生,這項技術可以讓遊戲中的光出現反射、折射、陰影等各種狀態,以螢幕開始,反推光的路線,然後在物體表面呈現出類似於現實世界的反射效果,...
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Abstract: 每年暑期到開學季期間,許多廠商都會推出相關電商數碼活動,促銷自家產品的同時也讓利給廣大的消費者。於是不少設計專業的大學生與創意工作者們,會選擇趁著開學季給自己換上一台趁手的生產工具。其中一萬元上下是許多同學考慮的檔位,而MacBook Pro、戴爾XPS15、ROG幻14是當下的人氣機型。那麼開學季換新,蘋果、戴爾、ROG誰家的機型更香呢?首先是外觀設計方面,MacBook Pro、戴爾XPS15和ROG幻14都是主打簡約的設計風格,外觀設計都很是耐看。但我個人覺得ROG幻14的外觀設計最有個性化,為...
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