Allows easy management of Web sites; ability to create text as graphics, including effects; no HTML experience required.
May be difficult for experienced Web designers to adjust to; sometimes difficult to import Web sites with existing style sheets.
If you are accustomed to tinkering with HTML code in applications like Dreamweaver or GoLive, Freeway 4 Pro could take some getting used to. However, if you are coming from the print world—and you’ve been put off by the idea of learning c...
Abstract: Given that the last full version of Freeway was released six years ago, you can’t accuse Softpress of issuing upgrades on a whim. Freeway 4 is certainly a significant upgrade. As with previous versions, the software is available in Pro and Express e...
No need to learn HTML, Create graphics from text, Transparency features
Cannot edit HTML directly, Poor handling of other apps code, Fixed-width layouts
Virtually every print designer who wants to make the transition to the web looks for two things: a way to avoid writing code and a program that is as close to page layout programs such as QuarkXPress and Adobe InDesign as possible. Its no surprise the...