Abstract: While I have to admit that Gran Turismo 4 is by far the best of the GT series, and also one of the best racing games on the market, it's still just a racing game. Sure it may be "the" racing game but it's still "just" a racing game. It doesn't cover any n...
Abstract: The Gran Turismo series of racing games on Sony’s PlayStation consoles have defined the racing genre, with every new Gran Turismo pushing other racing games to improve and evolve. If you’re looking for realism and a seemingly endless variety o...
Abstract: Andrew B9.0Gran Turismo 4The Gran Turismo series is easily the most definitive car racing in existence and nothing has ever come close. Even on the PC which is considered the most powerful system for simulation games has not even touched the potential...
Abstract: Its the latest version of the worlds best-selling driving game featuring more than 500 cars and 100 tracks. - If you have petrol for blood, this is the perfect game. The vehicle selection includes everything from classic sports models to mid-80s ...
Abstract: Det mest legendariske bilspillet av alle er tilbake for fjerde gang. Og nok en gang er vi imponert over det fantastiske håndverket, men spørsmålet er jo om vi faktisk har det så veldig gøy? Les vår anmeldelse!
Abstract: Den legendariske bilspillserien Gran Turismo er tilbake i ny versjon på PS2. De som er ute etter en lekker, seig og beintøff simulator har ikke ventet forgjeves.