Abstract: What is that thing up in the sky? Is it a moon? Can't be... it has a face and tongue. It's a face with a rock helmet, a tiny gold crown, teeth that act as nightmare fuel whenever he celebrates a win, and a tongue that would make Gene Simmons question the...
Abstract: CommentMy expectations for King Oddball weren't very high. Considering that a) 10tons' first PS Vita game, Sparkle, was a straight-up Zuma clone, and b) they spent a big chunk of their PlayStation Blog post promoting the game referencing Angry Birds, I...
Abstract: Physics-based puzzles are nothing new. As a kid, I remember playing games like Crush The Castle, having played nothing but Flash games on the Internet back then. However, since Angry Birds exploded onto the scene, there have been a slew of puzzlers, all...
Abstract: By Umar BastraHow many days has it been now, since I last saw the sun? I seem to have lost track of time. I feel light headed and I think I might have a fever. My body feels cold. I can feel my humanity slipping away with every passing minute and there is...