I actually had a good time playing through Wild Arms XF. For the most part, the game was what I expected, being similar to the tactics game put out by Squaresoft over ten years ago. Does it have a fresh look? Yes it does. Is it a fun game to play? The...
Overall, I was very impressed with this title. I had my doubts at first on how switching from the standard RPG formula to a Strategy RPG would affect the overall feel of the Wild Arms franchise. But my concerns were quickly put six feet under, as I fel...
Abstract: The PlayStation Portable has become quite the role-playing gamer's system as of late. Square Enix's Crisis Core is making big waves right now, but the string of good quality strategy RPGs have been the real highlight. Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of...
Abstract: Wild Arms is a well-established RPG franchise, one which Ive faithfully followed since day one. The series makes the leap into the tactical RPG realm with XF; unfortunately, things get a little lost in the transition and several issues keep this title...
Abstract: del.icio.us | Digg This | Glink It While the series is not as well loved as the Final Fantasy franchise, the Wild ARMs series has developed a loyal following by fans of the role-playing game genre to the point that it even inspired an anime series. ...
Abstract: XSEED Games Wild ARMs: Crossfire, XF for short, is a SRPG from Media.Vision that takes many standing elements of the genre and doesnt just rehash them with a new plot, but instead have molded familiar elements into quite possibly the most balanced tac...
Thrilling musical score; excellent character customization options; fun combat.
Town sequences arent too exciting; vitality system takes some getting used to.
The Wild ARMs series hasnt ever given Final Fantasy much to worry about, but has still carved out a niche for itself thanks to its blend of fantasy and western aesthetics. Think something along the lines of the "Trigun" anime with more of an emphasis ...
Abstract: Wild ARMs XF (pronounced "Cross Fire") is the next member of the subtly-loved RPG franchise, bringing the series into a fully strategic RPG dynamic -- similar to the gameplay you might find in titles like Final Fantasy Tactics. This hex-based...