Solid, well made, operates quietly and smoothly, inexpensive, eight workout programs, plenty of convenience features
Front-drive design, large footprint, heavy
The Sole E35 front-drive elliptical machine is available for a reasonable price and offers excellent value for money. It is a well-constructed machine with a heavy-duty 27-pound flywheel that delivers a smooth, extremely quiet elliptical motion with a...
Abstract: 平常自己有外出運動的習慣,最常做的項目就是到附近打球、慢跑或騎單車,如果遇到下雨時想運動就改去運動中心的健身房,但經常在下班或是假日去的時候人非常多,自己想做的器材都需要排一下隊,再加上如果雨勢很大又會覺得交通很麻煩,常常最後就懶得過去,所以在想如果可以在家運動做運動的話其實也不錯。這次剛好有個機會,借來了這台高級的橢圓機SOLE E35,並實際把機器運到家裡面實際體驗了幾天。 SOLE E35這台橢圓機,是該品牌的橢圓機裡面最高級款式,功能很齊全設計與用料的質感都不錯,機身也相當的穩,重量為105公...