Abstract: The opportunity arose a few months back to acquire a well-used, but kindly-treated, Bel Canto CD2 player. I had heard rumors that the CD2 and DAC3.5 combination was something special, so I anticipated this acquisition would prove a stroke of good ...
Abstract: I’m just guessing, but Bel Canto’s founder and CEO John Stronczer must be a contrarian. Don’t get the wrong idea, he’s a perfectly nice guy; it’s just that Bel Canto’s compact, lightweight, cool running e.One Series components use just a tiny fraction ...
When it came time to submit this review for a fact check I was asked if Id had a chance to try the CD-2/Dac3 combination directly into the e.One Reference 1000 mono block amplifiers via balanced interconnects. It was suggested that were I able to do s...
Bel Canto CD-2Interessant – ein CD-Player, der mir ähnlichen Spaß bereitet, wie mein formidabler Fonel Simplicité. Und sich zudem in einer ähnlichen Preisklasse befindet. Nicht minder interessant ist für mich der Umstand, da...
Denne CD-spilleren og forsterkeren fra amerikanske Bel Canto har en lydkvalitet man kan forvente av denne prislappen. At de er så små og nette, er en meget hyggelig bonus, som vil åpne high-end-døren for mange skeptikere. Endelig et an...