Abstract: The BEE of NAD’s BEE series of components pays homage to its designer Bjorn Erik Edvardsen, who also designed the storied 3020 integrated amplifier that put the company on the map three decades ago. Introduced only a few years after Crown and Bob Ca...
The C545BEE is an absolute bargain at $499. Compact disc players costing four times the money can't keep up, The ability to play MP3 and WMA discs gives this player wide appeal to the download/iPod generation. MP3s are nice, but compact discquality audio is something completely different, The onboard flash memory that allows you to create a favorites playlist on the fly from your existing dis
The new NAD styling is a little bland compared to its previous offerings, as this player is not audiophile jewelry, The display is simply too small to be legible from more than a few feet away. I wish the display were larger.
The C545BEE really impressed me with its build quality and sonics. In the under-$500 category where it resides, it really has little competition. It's a solid investment that can hold its own against players costing twice the price, and offers much mor...
Abstract: Discs are loaded quite swiftly by the transport – a proper audio one which makes very little mechanical noise. Data is converted to analogue by a Burr-Brown chip followed by some unusually highperformance op-amps in the output filter/buffer stages...
Dieser Vergleichstest von fünf ausgewiesenen HiFi-Spezialisten hat uns richtig Freude bereitet, und eines nehmen wir schon vorweg: Alle Testkandidaten bieten unglaublich viel Gegenwert für das aufgerufene Geld! Die Siegeslorbeeren darf sich die...
Abstract: Der NAD C 545 BEE (550 Euro) wartet hingegen mit einem 12-Volt-Triggeranschluss auf, um entsprechende Verstärker mit ein- und auszuschalten. Der C 545 BEE liest nicht nur MP3-Files, sondern entschlüsselt auch WMA-Dateien – ein von Microsoft entwickelt...
Abstract: NAD har upprepade gånger bevisat att de minsann kan det där med kraft för pengarna. På känt NAD-manér är den här anläggningen mer avsedd för öronen än ögonen. NAD har aldrig haft design som främsta karaktärsdrag. Och även om den här CD-spelaren o...
Abstract: CD-spelaren utmärker sig med en varm och fyllig klangkaraktär, med en förvånansvärt stor ljudbild. Efterklangen från en flygel är stor och levande....
Abstract: NAD har tidligere bevist at kraft for pengene er noe de kan. I kjent NAD-stil er dette systemet mer kjærkomment for øret enn for øyet. Annonse: NAD har aldri hatt design som sin fremste kvalitet. Og selv om denne CD-spilleren og forsterkeren er litt r...