Testseek.com have collected 12 expert reviews of the Toyota RAV4 SUV 2019 and the average rating is 75%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Toyota RAV4 SUV 2019.
12 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
0 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
The 2019 Toyota RAV4 looks unique and the interior is packaged very well
Looks great
Wide range of trim levels
Strong performing RAV4 Hybrid
Active safety tech standard
Strong exterior and interior styling
High levels of standard equipment
Above-average driving performance on- and off-road
Hybrid packs power and low-end torque
Quiet interior and comfortable ride quality
Abundant cargo and passenger space
Controls are easy to use
The editors didn't like
The powertrain is coarse and in need of modernization
Interior space compromises
Could use more sound deadening
Pricey with options
Confusing fuel economy story
Standard gas engine power is only okay
Not great
4-cylinder engine is loud
No Android Auto
Lackluster power from base powertrain
No other engines available
Uncomfortable front passenger seat
Vague steering means you'll sometimes misjudge your inputs
Abstract: The Toyota RAV4 is a popular small SUV, and the redesign for 2019 delivers with a fresh athletic look and upgraded multimedia to keep up with the competition. With new safety features ready to go off the beaten path AWD and good fuel economy, the 2019 RAV...
Quiet interior and comfortable ride quality, Abundant cargo and passenger space, Controls are easy to use
Lackluster power from base powertrain, no other engines available, Uncomfortable front passenger seat, Vague steering means you'll sometimes misjudge your inputs
Strong exterior and interior styling, High levels of standard equipment, Above-average driving performance on- and off-road, Hybrid packs power and low-end torque
Standard gas engine power is only okay, not great, 4-cylinder engine is loud, No Android Auto
The specs and the features speak for themselves. The defining factor in the new 2019 Toyota RAV4 is the interior comfort and refinement. In the upper trims, Toyota has managed to infuse Lexus-like levels of silence and refinement in the new RAV4; I've no...
Abstract: The 2019 Toyota RAV4 is a completely reengineered, reimagined compact crossover, and it's likely to (again) become the automaker's best-selling vehicle. Now built on Toyota 's TNGA platform, the 2019 RAV4 will be spacious and offer lots of cargo space. Wi...
La Toyota RAV4 2019 trae un rediseño que le sienta muy bien, tanto en su exterior como en su interior. Además, cuenta con tecnología de seguridad estándar, está disponible en modelos solo con gasolina o híbridos y su interior ofrece un buen espacio. Es co
Su cabina no es la más silenciosa y se siente menos lujosa. Su motor siempre deja deseando más potencia (a menos de que lo coloques en modo Sport) y es ruidoso. Además, su sistema de infoentreteniemiento deja qué desear y no es compatible con Android Auto
La Toyota RAV4 2019 se moderniza para competir mejor en su segmento ofreciendo aspectos únicos y con un buen balance de cosas, pero su motor y sistema de infoentretenimiento deja cosas que desear...
Toyota hat in der fünften Generation das Profil seines SUV-Pioniers RAV4 kräftig nachgeschärft – optisch wie technisch. Die Form ist selbstbewusst, die Ausrichtung komfortbetont; mit der Allradvariante des verfeinerten Hybrid-Antriebs versteht sich der To...
Kraftig forbedret, romslig og komfortabel familie-SUV med god kvalitetsfølelse, gode kjøreegenskaper og styring og dempet lydnivå
Bare en tilgjengelig drivlinje, merkbar motorstøy under høy belastning, lite aktuell multimedieløsning
Toyota RAV4 har blitt en smartere bil med mer power, plass og komfort enn tidligere. Den er fortsatt ikke ladbar, så man mister muligheten til å kjøre utslippsfritt i det daglige, men kompenserer en del med lavt forbruk og at man slipper å endre vanene si...