The editors liked- Futuristic design
- Light and small for the screen size
- FaceID is fast
- Accurate and secure
- Facial recognition available for supported apps and services
- Excellent front-facing camera
- Gorgeous curved OLED panel
- A number of quality of life and customiza
- Gorgeous
- Unique design with high screen-to-body ratio
- Long-lasting battery
- Huge
- Bright display
- Whisper silent and fast camera mechanism
- Huge and luscious display
- Excellent performance
- Decent cameras
- Fast charging VOOC tech
- Comes with a free bundled USB Type C to 3.5mm adaptor
- The Oppo Find X has a beautiful design
- A great camera and long battery life with fast charging. It also has top-of-the-line features such as 3D face scanning for unlocking
- Best face unlock system among Android phones
- Gorgeous and notch-less
- Slider is a cool gimmick
- Battery lasts a reassuringly long time
- Jaw-dropping beauty
- Front and back
- Fast and accurate 3D face recognition
- 1-2 days battery life
- Non-excessive post-processing
- Great selfie camera
- Good amount of detail
- Natural HDR
- Smart popup camera system
- Great 6.4inch AMOLED screen
- 256GB of internal storage
- Some nice software tweaks
- Very fast charging
- Amazingly beautiful design
- Clever sliding stealth cameras
- 3D facial recognition works well
- Good use of gestures
- Design
- Haptics
- Performance
- Good endurance
- Beautiful OLED panel
The editors didn't like- No fingerprint scanner
- No 3.5mm jack
- More fragile thanks to motorized camera
- Memory management is overly aggressive
- Low light camera performance is poor
- Video recording is sub-par
- Camera software is slow
- ColorOS is a travesty
- Notifications are disabled on most apps by default
- Cameras aren't great for the money
- No water resistance or wireless charging
- Casing is very slippery to wield
- No 3.5mm audio jack
- Not cheap
- We say Boasting a distinctive design that integrates a novel pop up camera and powerful specifications
- The Find X is OPPO's most powerful and most aesthetically pleasing phone ever made
- There's no wireless charging and it's not waterproof. It can get a little hot when gaming
- And isn't yet sold outside Asia
- Countless software annoyances
- The most slippery phone of the year
- Oppo App Store spam is insulting
- Slider mechanism undermines phone's long-term durability
- Dangerously slippery
- No NFC
- No wireless charging
- No waterproofing
- Expensive and limited market availability
- Night Mode not good for active shots
- Camera app is too simple (lacks features)
- Portrait Mode outlining could be improved
- Mechanism feels fragile
- No fingerprint sensor
- No NFC or IR blaster
- No 3.5mm headset jack
- Disappointing speaker
- Slippery in the hands
- No reading mode
- No IP dust/water resistance rating
- Some apps are redundant
- No wireless charging or NFC
- Hard to buy in U.S
- ColorOS
- SIM card problems
- Equipment
- Speaker
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Reviews page 24 of 41 |
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- Abstract: 今年,到目前为止,手机圈的表现可以说相当精彩,各家旗舰在产品差异化方面都做的不错,都拿出了自家的看家本领,尤其令人欣喜的是国产手机开始集中发力,贡献了一波精彩的反击,独一无二的体验俘获了众多消费者。对于想要购买手机的用户,不妨看一下下面这几款国产手机。OPPO Find X今年OPPO Find X正式开售,京东47秒破万,15分钟后销售额破亿,成绩相当出色,足以可见OPPO Find X的火爆。OPPO Find X拥有目前智能手机最高的屏占比和正反无孔设计,颜值出众,手感出色。OPPO...
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- 于回归到诺基亚手机中。今年的旗舰评测我们再也不能说诺基亚 8 sirocco采用当今最强的高通骁龙835处理器了,因为采用845的手机已经上市了,虽然835芯片属于老旗舰,但放到2018年依旧可以征战,配置上6+128的内存相当厚道,更厚道的是其存储为UFS 2.1。...
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Published: 2018-07-13, Author: 汐元 , review by: ithome.com
- 相关阅读《【IT之家评测室】OPPO Find X对比vivo NEX宝石红图赏极致全面屏,优雅双谍》《【IT之家评测室】OPPO Find X开箱图赏玲珑剔透,勾人心魄》《【IT之家评测室】OPPO Find X简单上手体验有生命力的静美》OPPO Find X标准版京东自营点此购买...
Published: 2018-07-13, Author: 梁爽 , review by: xitek.com
- 由于本次试用的还是工程机,所以小编并没有进行包括拍照在内的深度测试。仅仅初步体验我们已经可以感受到OPPO“美凌驾一切”的设计理念。这款手机前后无开孔一体化极高,再加上玻璃的特质,圆润光滑波光粼粼,单就颜值在当今手机圈绝对是数一数二的。当然凌驾“一切”自然包括用户对升降设计一些顾虑,由于前后摄像头以及解锁识别元件全部通过升降隐藏在手机顶部,而后置拍摄、解锁都是非常常用的操作,频繁升降自然在所难免。对用户来说初期这一升一降带来满满的科技感,长期的话OPPO的耐久测试、防尘测试以及一些减少升降的白名单设置都是...
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Published: 2018-07-12, Author: 玄隐 , review by: ithome.com
- Abstract: IT之家 7月12日消息 谁才是近期最值得期待的全面屏手机?对于狂热的数码爱好者来说,vivo NEX和OPPO Find X两款特殊全面屏手机的出现,令2018年的智能手机市场为之一亮,但谁更加具有诱惑力呢?IT之家已经拿到了OPPO Find X和vivo NEX宝石红手机,为大家带来详细的对比图赏。OPPO Find X和vivo NEX都摒弃了流行的刘海全面屏,大胆采用了机械式的结构。vivo NEX使用了升降式的前置摄像头,还有屏下指纹。OPPO Find X采用了双轨潜望结构、...
- 七、总结:真正能登上5000元价位的2018年国产旗舰如果将每一个产品系列拟人化,相信大家不难想象出一些知名品牌的形象,iPhone宛如一袭白衣的西门吹雪,高冷男神不食人间烟火气;Xperia正是名剑客佐佐木小次郎,“燕返”一出惊世骇俗,却被船桨打翻在地;Lumia好似那落魄王孙慕容复,使尽浑身解数却最终众叛亲离。这么说来,自2014年消失的4年的OPPO Find系列恰如《神夏》中神秘无常的艾德勒,兀自出现却又神秘消失,也正如莱昂纳多当年在VCR中苦苦追寻的令人垂涎的那个她。不过最终,我们还是等到了OP...
- 于迎来了一次大爆发,许多国产厂商都拿出了压箱底的黑科技,在国际大舞台上集体秀了一把肌肉。整个手机业界也从原来千机一面的现象,转变成了百花齐放的喜人景象。在纠结的刘海屏后,OV集体发力,真正像消费者诠释了手机可以如此性感,在没了刘海后,这才是用户心中完美的全面屏手机。而苹果的Face ID在OPPO Find X、小米8探索版上出现,似乎国产手机在一直薄弱的技术上一下子强势起来,今天介绍的这几款产品都是国产手机技术精华。vivo NEX 屏幕指纹、屏幕发声、升降镜头惊艳于vivo NEX那零界全面屏带来的震...
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- Abstract: 以往国产手机往往被认为是苹果、三星的附庸者,在激涌的潮流里随波逐流,而所谓的“跟风”、“致敬”不过是披在山寨抄袭的漂亮外衣而已。 然而经过4年的技术积淀,OPPO Find X今年6月巴黎首秀就向外国人展现了国产手机的雄厚底蕴,证明了国产手机不会只活在苹果三星阴影下,反会成为未来手机的开创者和引领者。93.8%的屏占比、双轨潜望升降设计、FaceKey 3D结构光等等标签,想必之前阅读过本站相关报道的用户都不会陌生。而本站有幸于近日收到了Find X评测机,现在就马不停蹄地给大家带来开箱介绍。拍照、续...
- 优秀的工业设计,澎湃的性能动力,
- 取消了耳机孔,VOOC不兼容第三方数据线
- Abstract: 如果你是一个十足的影音游戏娱乐党,那一款手机对你来说,除了配置要足够强劲之外,一块尺寸够大且素质足够优秀的屏幕也一定是必须的。视觉的体验在一般情况下都是优于其他各个感官的,也正是如此,大屏幕的手机,无论是在操作感还是视觉上,都拥有更大的优势,如果这个大屏还能配合高屏占比出现,在维持尽量小机身的情况下做到大屏,那就更好不过了。vivo NEX作为一款连超窄的刘海都被彻底挤压消失的手机,vivo NEX绝对是满足我们要求的,6.59英寸的OLED全面屏被很好的限制在了162×77×7.98mm的机...
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