The editors liked- Futuristic design
- Light and small for the screen size
- FaceID is fast
- Accurate and secure
- Facial recognition available for supported apps and services
- Excellent front-facing camera
- Gorgeous curved OLED panel
- A number of quality of life and customiza
- Gorgeous
- Unique design with high screen-to-body ratio
- Long-lasting battery
- Huge
- Bright display
- Whisper silent and fast camera mechanism
- Huge and luscious display
- Excellent performance
- Decent cameras
- Fast charging VOOC tech
- Comes with a free bundled USB Type C to 3.5mm adaptor
- The Oppo Find X has a beautiful design
- A great camera and long battery life with fast charging. It also has top-of-the-line features such as 3D face scanning for unlocking
- Best face unlock system among Android phones
- Gorgeous and notch-less
- Slider is a cool gimmick
- Battery lasts a reassuringly long time
- Jaw-dropping beauty
- Front and back
- Fast and accurate 3D face recognition
- 1-2 days battery life
- Non-excessive post-processing
- Great selfie camera
- Good amount of detail
- Natural HDR
- Smart popup camera system
- Great 6.4inch AMOLED screen
- 256GB of internal storage
- Some nice software tweaks
- Very fast charging
- Amazingly beautiful design
- Clever sliding stealth cameras
- 3D facial recognition works well
- Good use of gestures
- Design
- Haptics
- Performance
- Good endurance
- Beautiful OLED panel
The editors didn't like- No fingerprint scanner
- No 3.5mm jack
- More fragile thanks to motorized camera
- Memory management is overly aggressive
- Low light camera performance is poor
- Video recording is sub-par
- Camera software is slow
- ColorOS is a travesty
- Notifications are disabled on most apps by default
- Cameras aren't great for the money
- No water resistance or wireless charging
- Casing is very slippery to wield
- No 3.5mm audio jack
- Not cheap
- We say Boasting a distinctive design that integrates a novel pop up camera and powerful specifications
- The Find X is OPPO's most powerful and most aesthetically pleasing phone ever made
- There's no wireless charging and it's not waterproof. It can get a little hot when gaming
- And isn't yet sold outside Asia
- Countless software annoyances
- The most slippery phone of the year
- Oppo App Store spam is insulting
- Slider mechanism undermines phone's long-term durability
- Dangerously slippery
- No NFC
- No wireless charging
- No waterproofing
- Expensive and limited market availability
- Night Mode not good for active shots
- Camera app is too simple (lacks features)
- Portrait Mode outlining could be improved
- Mechanism feels fragile
- No fingerprint sensor
- No NFC or IR blaster
- No 3.5mm headset jack
- Disappointing speaker
- Slippery in the hands
- No reading mode
- No IP dust/water resistance rating
- Some apps are redundant
- No wireless charging or NFC
- Hard to buy in U.S
- ColorOS
- SIM card problems
- Equipment
- Speaker
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- 从上文中,我们可以看到,OPPO Find X作为OPPO饮冰四年的新旗舰,继承了“Find 系列,必出精品”的优良传统,以高屏占比、双轨潜望结构、底部COP封装、3D结构光和一体化机身等最具创新性的技术让用户和业界感到眼前一亮,打响了OPPO进军国际市场,打造国际品牌的新战役。我依稀记得当年OPPO Find系列率先推出1080P屏幕、打造“息屏美学”、推出VOOC闪充时所散发的热情。Find系列曾经制霸市场的那几年,是手机行业最具朝气的几年,而非今日的一片“红海”。 时过境迁,而今的OPPO Find...
Published: 2018-06-29, Author: 白沛然 , review by: pcpop.com
- Abstract: 手机行业可以说是一个绝对快速更迭的消费产业,几乎每个月都有近十款左右的新产品发布,如此之快的节奏也让很多产品在人们的脑海中慢慢被磨灭掉,仿佛从未出现过一样。但在中国的手机历史上,有那么一个产品系列,从2014年之后就再未进行过产品更新,但仍有无数用户翘首以盼。这个时隔四年之久才更新的产品系列就是我们熟悉的OPPO Find系列;而OPPO Find X则是OPPO继2014年的Find 7之后的又一款正统旗舰产品,而Find X也是OPPO给用户所交出的一份属于未来的答卷。【注:本次拿到的OPPO...
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Published: 2018-06-29, Author: 陈顺径 , review by: it168.com
- Abstract: 【IT168 评测】在巴黎卢浮宫的惊鸿一瞥之后,回到国内之后终于有机会好好把玩手上的OPPO Find X了。作为Find系列四年后的新作,OPPO Find X不止作为一款旗舰,也承载了OPPO人与众多玩家用户的期许。当然,看过OPPO Find X法国发布会的小伙伴都知道,拥有93.8%屏占比,采用双轨潜望设计的OPPO Find X,仿佛把手机的未来一下子拉近。那么除了惊艳的外在,实际的体验又是怎样呢?下面我们一一为大家分享。按照OPPO对Find X的设计追求,为实现真正没有刘海的全面屏和...
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- 实现了行业领先的93.8%屏占比,正面几乎全是屏幕,为用户带来更强的视觉震撼。创新“双轨潜望结构”解决开孔问题解决了屏幕,接下来就只剩下屏幕上下两端的传感器,这也是实现真全面屏难度最大的一部分。目前能够解决这个问题的厂商全球也只有两家,并且都是中国厂商,OPPO实现的方式即大胆又令人惊喜。为了实现浑然天成正反无孔的完美效果,OPPO Find X的设计师通过大胆地想象力实现了这一想法,在Find X上面首创了“双轨潜望结构”,创造性地把前后摄像头,以及前面板上大多数传感器隐藏在了手机内部。双轨潜望结构是O...
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- 比对手要更强一些。配置方面一向是小米的强项,这次的小米8 SE同样也不例外,首发的骁龙710处理器,搭配4GB+64GB(1799元)与6GB+64GB(1999元)内存规格。骁龙710处理器采用2颗主频2.2GHz Kryo 360大核心+6颗主频1.7GHz Kryo 360小核心的非对称设计,10nm LPP制程工艺与骁龙845同款Kryo 360架构搭配。GPU部分,采用的Adreno 616频率达到750MHz,官方宣称相比骁龙660之上的Adreno 512有35%提升。黑鲨游戏手机作为一款游...
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- 了一下6月份目前的新机,给想要购买手机的消费者一个参考。海信AI手机H20海信AI手机H20是海信刚刚发布的一款手机,采用了时下流行的刘海式全面屏设计,视觉效果非常不错。而且,海信AI手机H20加入了AI,在拍照、系统等方面拥有更加智能的体验,可以有效提高用户效率。海信AI手机H20搭载一块5.84英寸FHD+全面屏,19:9比例,刘海式全面屏设计,对于不喜欢刘海的用户可以进行隐藏。而且,海信AI手机H20还增加了全面屏手势。海信AI手机H20采用3D四曲面玻璃材质,比较贴合手掌,手感出色。拥有玲珑金和魔...
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- Abstract: 自从今年开年以来,就密集得有新机到来,到现在6月底,各家的上半年旗舰基本都与大家见过面了,虽然中间一段时间各家旗舰因为全面屏对手机正面元件的挤压,脸都长得越来越像,但还好还是有一些厂家想要做出一些不一样的东西,而这些不一样,也让这些新机的期待值,远超同期的其他手机。OPPO Find X说到近期最为热门的手机,那一定是OPPO Find X无疑了,惊艳的双轨潜望结构实现了前后无孔的浑然一体,所有多余元件只在需要的时候被感知,大多数时候,你面对的都只是一块由基本占据了正面全部面积的曲面全景屏,C...
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- Abstract: 自从今年开年以来,就密集得有新机到来,到现在6月底,各家的上半年旗舰基本都与大家见过面了,虽然中间一段时间各家旗舰因为全面屏对手机正面元件的挤压,脸都长得越来越像,但还好还是有一些厂家想要做出一些不一样的东西,而这些不一样,也让这些新机的期待值,远超同期的其他手机。OPPO Find X说到近期最为热门的手机,那一定是OPPO Find X无疑了,惊艳的双轨潜望结构实现了前后无孔的浑然一体,所有多余元件只在需要的时候被感知,大多数时候,你面对的都只是一块由基本占据了正面全部面积的曲面全景屏,C...
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- Abstract: 虽然智能机时代手机确实给人们带来了更加丰富的体验,但偶尔,小编也会分外怀念当年功能机时代的场景,其中就包括了功能机时代手机形式的丰富多样,除了大类的直板、滑盖、翻盖而外,每一种形式里面都还会有各种细微的差别,当时每一款手机都是一眼可辨别。来到智能机时代之后,越是发展,这种可能性反而变得越来越微小,就在小编认为以后搞不好手机只能通过LOGO来判断手机厂家的时候,在高度趋同的全面屏时代,一些不甘于千篇一律的厂商反而是拿出了一些不一样的产品,让我们看到了一丝功能机时代盛景的影子。零界全面屏—vivo...
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