The editors liked Futuristic design Light and small for the screen size FaceID is fast Accurate and secure Facial recognition available for supported apps and services Excellent front-facing camera Gorgeous curved OLED panel A number of quality of life and customiza Gorgeous Unique design with high screen-to-body ratio Long-lasting battery Huge Bright display Whisper silent and fast camera mechanism Huge and luscious display Excellent performance Decent cameras Fast charging VOOC tech Comes with a free bundled USB Type C to 3.5mm adaptor The Oppo Find X has a beautiful design A great camera and long battery life with fast charging. It also has top-of-the-line features such as 3D face scanning for unlocking Best face unlock system among Android phones Gorgeous and notch-less Slider is a cool gimmick Battery lasts a reassuringly long time Jaw-dropping beauty Front and back Fast and accurate 3D face recognition 1-2 days battery life Non-excessive post-processing Great selfie camera Good amount of detail Natural HDR Smart popup camera system Great 6.4inch AMOLED screen 256GB of internal storage Some nice software tweaks Very fast charging Amazingly beautiful design Clever sliding stealth cameras 3D facial recognition works well Good use of gestures Design Haptics Performance Good endurance Beautiful OLED panel
The editors didn't like No fingerprint scanner No 3.5mm jack More fragile thanks to motorized camera Memory management is overly aggressive Low light camera performance is poor Video recording is sub-par Camera software is slow ColorOS is a travesty Notifications are disabled on most apps by default Cameras aren't great for the money No water resistance or wireless charging Casing is very slippery to wield No 3.5mm audio jack Not cheap We say Boasting a distinctive design that integrates a novel pop up camera and powerful specifications The Find X is OPPO's most powerful and most aesthetically pleasing phone ever made There's no wireless charging and it's not waterproof. It can get a little hot when gaming And isn't yet sold outside Asia Countless software annoyances The most slippery phone of the year Oppo App Store spam is insulting Slider mechanism undermines phone's long-term durability Dangerously slippery No NFC No wireless charging No waterproofing Expensive and limited market availability Night Mode not good for active shots Camera app is too simple (lacks features) Portrait Mode outlining could be improved Mechanism feels fragile No fingerprint sensor No NFC or IR blaster No 3.5mm headset jack Disappointing speaker Slippery in the hands No reading mode No IP dust/water resistance rating Some apps are redundant No wireless charging or NFC Hard to buy in U.S ColorOS SIM card problems Equipment Speaker
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Abstract: 对于旗舰机来说,什么吃鸡、拍照都已经只是基础要求了,在做到性能没有弱项的同时,还能怎么做出自身特色,才是旗舰机们更应该考虑的事情。如果面对清一色的设计你已经有些厌倦了,那这些颇具特色的旗舰机,也许会是你更好的选择。OPPO Find X毫无疑问我们会提到Find X,因为它就是那种我们所说的内在强悍,外在还充满了特点的手机,利用来自于三星的柔性OLED面板做到了左右近乎无边框的观感,底部的下巴通过昂贵的COP(chip on plastic)封装工艺也只留下了最后的3.4mm,至于顶部难以处理...
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Abstract: 【PConline 评测】 巴黎的首秀留下浓重一笔,OPPO Find X在6月29号终于在中国发布会上和国内用户正式见面。独特的外观设计和旗舰配置,令这款久违的Find系列机型倍受瞩目。硬件参数硬件方面OPPO Find X无可挑剔,外观更有“双轨潜望结构”加持。想知道这款时尚带点“科幻”色彩的旗舰机身上还有什么能够打动消费者的细节,立刻进入我们的开箱体验。开箱:艺术,细节再次成为焦点艺术一向是OPPO机型的品牌调性,OPPO Find X更是把这种艺术格调发挥到品牌的极致,...
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Published: 2018-07-02, Author: 王勃 , review by:
而对于OPPO Find X首创的双轨潜望结构,我们暂时还很难下结论,它的创新性设计保证了手机超高的屏占比,让所有见到它的人都不免动心。但在3D结构光面部识别的体验上、后置摄像头的成像素质上,相比iPhone X都有所妥协,这样的设计是否值得,恐怕只有用过的消费者才能评说。版权所有,未经许可不得转载版权所有,未经许可不得转载-->...
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Published: 2018-07-02, Author: 郭佳伟 , review by:
Abstract: 【IT168 评论】6月29日,OPPO Find X中国发布会在北京751D·PARK 79罐举行,而这个地点正是四年前OPPO Find 7手机发布的地方。阔别四年,OPPO Find系列终于再度归来,秉持着"美,凌驾于一切"的理念,带来了极具“未来色彩”的OPPO Find X手机。不同于任何手机,OPPO Find X的正面空间几乎都被像素所填充,空间没有一丝的浪费,几乎全是屏幕。正反3D玻璃覆盖,一体无开孔的设计使得整机宛如一块墨玉般纯粹,搭配渐变配色,当光线折射到上面的时候,仿佛如液体...
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Abstract: 【PConline 评测】 当手机外观出现新的变化,大多数用户的反应是什么呢?翻盖、旋盖、直板触屏… 这些设计刚出来的时候,得到最多的评价可能是“另类”。当科技与设计相碰撞,实现功能与美型兼具,OPPO Find X的出现,技术与艺术的关系再次被重新思考。OPPO Find X搭载高通骁龙845+8GB运存的顶级配置,继承Find系列旗舰基因,拥有惊人的屏占比和“双轨潜望结构”,在充分展示OPPO研发实力的同时,也让许多消费者看到智能手机的另一种可能。是工具?还是时尚一部分?硬件参数...
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Published: 2018-06-30, Author: 杜宏灿 , review by:
纠错与问题建议标签:手机技术解析手机评测 true 中关村在线 report 2872 6月29日OPPO Find X正式发布,发布会以“探索无镜之境”为主题,也多少能让我们看出这款手机的主打卖点是什么。OPPO Find X是首款在屏幕底部采用COP柔性封装的国产机型,并通过“双轨潜望”结构消灭了“刘海”,实现了93%的屏占比,同时用上了3D结构光技术。 因为采用了...
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Published: 2018-06-29, Author: 王乐 , review by:
Abstract: 【 手机 中国评测】6月29号下午, OPPO 在北京798召开新品发布会,此次发布会的主角便是 OPPO Find X 。实际上在10天前,这款旗舰机已经在法国巴黎的卢浮宫亮相。时间再往前推,4年前OPPO同样在798发布了上一代Find系列旗舰,因此OPPO Find X 被认为是“四年磨一剑”的产物。巧的是,老对手 vivo 在今年也重启了尘封已久的高端产品线。不过,vivo是在一步步揭露屏下指纹、升降式摄像头等黑科技之后,带来的 vivo NEX 新旗舰。而OPPO Find X,来的更突...
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